0458: Dallas Stars II

Dallas Stars Week proceeds with a pair of unique redesigns. Zachary T. Milyak had an interesting idea I've never seen before — turning the "D" itself into a star.
Meanwhile, Mark Morgan opted to simplify with his concept. Which of the two do you prefer?
Designed by
Mark Morgan&
Zachary T. Milyak

Reader Comments (13)
Is it just me or does Mark's logo seem reminiscent of the StarTrek Federation insignia?
i prefer the second one, but that logo would never appear on merch in the modern day nhl. (or any sport for that matter.) cool retro look, but it has too much of that look to make it past a focus group.
re zach's jersey, like the jersey itself, but the logo is way too big, need to shrink it down by about 30%.
I really want to dislike Zach's since it's a little on the trippy side. Yet it works. You have to look at it once or twice to see the D and an easy fix would be making the colors of the D-part the same and toning down some of the sharpness of the flaired points. The colors and shoulder logo are great.
The first one's color scheme is cool, but the star looks distorted. I realize, and see, what he tried to do, but it still looks distorted.
The 2nd one is solid, a little late 80s/early 90s feel, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
I wonder if you combined the modern colors/look/feel of the first one and the logo for the 2nd one if you'd have a winner.
I really like Zach's jersey but the logo is to complicated. Plus, there are about six different colors in it. The stars is such a simple name, I can see were Mark was trying to go with his concept. But I have to agree with Jonathan that it is too "old" looking in the end.
@Andy P. It is not just you, I had the same thought. Kind of nicely ties in with 'Stars'
Regarding Zach's design: I actually really like it, but the logo DOES need to be reduced by about 20-30%. The other design I'm not a fan of.
I like Zach's logo, but lose the outer part of it. Just the Starred D and inside star is plenty. The outer green/white star needs to go. Nice secondary.
Mark's idea for whatever reason reminds me of a logo that would've been used in the WHA. i like it. if the Stars ever decide to do a faux-retro jersey for whatever reason i think that'd be a pretty solid choice.
Honestly, the logo on the second jersey looks more like a stylized A for the Houston Aeros than a star. Actually, if that was an Aeros jersey, I think I'd like it better than I do now.
I'm not sure if it's just me, but it took me awhile to actually see the D in the first logo. A few tweaks to make it more prominent, and the other points less, would make a big difference in the overall look. I also agree its a little to large.
I really like Zachs jersey except I'd trade out the black stripes for white instead and I'd just tone down the main logo. It feels way to busy, less is more