0460: Dallas Stars IV

We know the Stars are expected to introduce new logos in a couple weeks, but it's likely the slanted star form will continue to be incorporated somehow. Thomas Hopkins basically kept the logo the same but redesign the sweaters with a lot more green and gold.
Todd Varga, on the other hand, stuck to black and white jerseys, but increased the amount of green used. I can honestly say I like this version better. Might be the simplified logo. I'm a sucker for simplicity.
Designed by
Thomas Hopkins&
Todd Varga

Reader Comments (6)
I love the first one but just because it looks like the old Minnesota north stars.
I love the one with the green home jersey and I HATE the one with black home jerseys. NO MORE BLACK BASED JERSEYS!!! The NHL needs more colour, not more black. Black is BORING!!!!!!!
Not a huge fan of the Stars in black, but I would make an exception for this one. I'm with you Chris, I'm also a sucker for simple.
Top one is not going to happen. Second one is more likely with a new logo.
Todd's set is great, but unfortunately I think it's too similar to what they currently wear. So I'm guessing whatever we see from the Stars will be much different from what we see here.
Change the Color Scheme but keep the design pattern, see how that works out, maybe all black with the green logo from the second set of jerseys in [0459: Dallas Stars III], also love the work on this website