0462: Dallas in Winterland

Hope you guys aren't getting tired of the Stars yet. We still have a lot to do. And being this is a Winter Classic Weekend post, I thought I'd share this one from Justin Wiltron. The throwback feels of both sweaters could work should the Stars ever participate in an outdoor game.
David Kerr was first to get me a concept featuring the apparent new logos of the Dallas Stars, which leaked on Thursday night. The striping is a little similar to the Blackhawks but overall it's a pretty sharp look. I wouldn't be surprised to see something similar when I'm in Dallas on June 4.
Designed by
David Kerr&
Justin Wiltron

Reader Comments (8)
I like the design with the leaked logos, but the top one looks better in white black and green, but the bottom one looks like a cool alternate
I like the logos but a star doesn't look good an a jersey. I hope one of the jerseys has Dallas diagonally on the front like the Rangers.
The Bonus Concept is an eye opener. The logo by itself is quite boring, but when it's on that white jersey, it actually fits in together as a meshing concept, crisp and strong. That green hue is dead on, very North Dakota-ish. Even the dreaded circle logo looks like it's meant to be in that green.
Thanks Carl. You hit the nail right no the head to be honest I had to tweak the colour from the logos a little bit after I got it from CCSL and I used the ND green as the model to follow after.
Solid concept, colours work well together and gives a very classy feel as though it is a bit of a hybrid between the Bruins and Blackhawks. I would think the logo on the away jersey looks much better, very sharp. I would love to see the green jersey with the same logo it has, but without the circle and font. Essentially the white and silver D-star on an all green jersey. I think that would look much better. Also, the colour pattern on the bottom of the white jersey switches from green on the outside black middle on the front, and black on the outside green in the middle on the back. Intentional or happy accident?
Both concepts were well done and I think the bonus is very close to what we will actually see. However, I think that the crests will be swapped (D-Star logo on home green, circular logo on road white). Makes more sense considering the circular logo has the geographic name on it and that is protocol for other sports
Solid concepts. Like the full deep green. The only thing that i have a beef with, especially on the bonus concept is copying other teams' striping and yokes (as mentioned above - exact copy mishmash of Boston and Chicago). These jerseys would look even cooler with some new, original striping. Maybe even some of the grey/silver.
As the designer of the Bonus concept I understand the concerns about the striping / yoke on the jerseys. However I don;t believe that it is a direct Boston / Chicago mash up. Instead I would draw your attention to the 1988-1991 Minnesota North Stars jersey for the collar and the 1991-1993 Minnesota uniforms and subsequently the 1993-1999 Dallas Stars uniforms (specifically the Dark jersey) for the striping pattern. The owner said that he wanted to go classic with the uniforms, so that is what I did, pulling elements from the franchise's history into one uniform, trying to give it a classic, yet modern look that so many teams are after these days.