Entries in san jose sharks (16)


0175: California's Winter Classic

This is so silly it almost seems like it should've been posted on a Friday. But then again, if the Panthers think Florida can host a Winter Classic, why couldn't California? Nevill Carney pits the Kings against the Sharks, oddly, instead of the Ducks. But if this really happened, wouldn't we expect much older jerseys? Like the Kings in forum blue and gold? And the Sharks wearing, well, Seals jerseys?


0081: The Sharks Without White

Happy birthday to Icethetics! The blog turns five years old today and we're celebrating the San Jose Sharks as part of California Week here on the Concepts page. Kris Lutes is trying a couple jerseys without using any white. The two sweaters are pretty close to the team's existing uniforms but the white has been replaced with grey. Unfortunately, the name bar on the teal jersey is nearly illegible, but the grey jersey looks great.

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