NHL Tournament of Logos

Entries in fan art (328)


Primarily Pennsylvania

Did you see what I did there? I'm a day late on the joke, but still. To thank all you Pennsylvanians for going out in record numbers to perform your civic duty, I have concept art tailored especially to you.

We'll begin with a cool new logo redesign for the Penguins.

It's a really sharp logo that pays tribute to the past in a big way while also bringing something new to the table. There are also jerseys to go with it.

The black one doesn't do much for me, but oddly enough, the white one blows me away. I think it's the shoulder striping.

A likely third jersey candidate for the Pens going into next season is a version of the powder blue sweater they wore for the Winter Classic.

But stepping outside of that for a moment brings us some interesting designs. This dark blue strikes me as slightly strange, however.

And remember the days when gold was actually yellow (though no one wanted to admit it)? Well there's a little more where that came from.

We'll wrap up our Pennsylvania trip in Philly. Not much to speak of with this.

But one designer came up with a notion of what might well be a good candidate as an alternate for the Flyers next season.

They could do worse.


Just To Freak You Out XXXIII

Hell has frozen over!

Indeed, the Freak Out Friday has returned. After two weeks off, it's been resurrected. All the talk last month about the league returning to the third jersey program next season has died down, but folks are still trying to come up with the best solution to this alternate sweater issue. The ones that fail tend to end up here.

See what I mean? What happened with the D there? And don't get me wrong, I like that blue for my Bolts, but I can't imagine having that written on the front of the jersey. There's more.

Same goes for the other team that joined the league the same year as Tampa Bay.

I know these are designs based on previously discussed rumors, but I always thought they were too horrible to actually see.

I've got some other stuff too — like a new alternate logo for the Blue Jackets.

And a sweater to boot.

But my favorite pair of sweaters for this week's Freak Out are based on the Minnesota Wild and the previous NHL club that occupied the state.

And finally, I know you guys hated the guitar thing, but someone else made this one and I thought it was kind of interesting.

So keep the crazy artwork coming in each week if you want me to be able to continue this series. I'm counting on you! Yes, you! And that's that for this week. Hopefully I'll return next Friday with a brand new batch of insanity.


Desert Art

The last time I posted any good Phoenix Coyotes artwork was... well, it was never. I've never posted any good Phoenix Coyotes artwork and for that I am ashamed. That streak ends this afternoon.

If there was ever a reason for the 'Yotes to don a black third jersey, this would be it.

I never would've thought that PHX logo would look good as a crest. Proved me wrong, right there. Here's what made me think that in the first place.

Yeah. Don't worry, though, I'm not wasting it. We've got some decent Freak Out stuff for Friday too.

Below is a simple redesign concept with the old moon logo I liked a lot.

This does make me miss the PHX logo, though. However, the Coyotes still wear that moon logo on their pants. But what if we combine it with the current primary?

And then slap it on a jersey?

Lastly, we get a look at the reason why text needs to stay off the front of jerseys.

That's all I've got for you today. Tune in next time for more fan made concept art. You know you love it. In the meantime, keep voting on the NHL's best goalie masks! Despite being just over halfway through the first round, we're actually making some headway. We'll have a winner before you know it.

Something BIG is coming... May 1, 2008!


Pre-Playoff Concept Art

The Stanley Cup playoffs kick off on Wednesday night. Tomorrow I figure I'll post my predictions and so forth for anyone who might be interested. In the meantime, I've got concept art for you tonight. Not a lot but just a few things I thought were especially interesting.

First, a big set of third jerseys. Pretty much every team with rumors floating about. And then a special treat.

I told you it was a lot.

Then, with the recent surfacing of the 2009 All-Star Game logo, one reader came up with a concept for a Habs-based jersey design.

In French, no less.

And finally, a Canucks concept I thought was interesting given the current logo tournament going on at ToHL.

Obviously a take on the WHL's Giants.

Enjoy your night and let's get set for some playoff hockey! My favorite time of year!


Fan Art To Finish Your Weekend

I think I promised you guys a concept post before the weekend was out, so here it is. I've assembled some of my favorite designs from my stash. There's a lot of quality work, so let's dive in.

First, an interesting new look for the Toronto Maple Leafs.

I'd like to see the jerseys that go with it. If nothing else, the production value is through the roof on this one.

But if you want to talk excellent concept logos, look no further than this one for the Washington Capitals.

I admit I had to stare at it a while, but there it is, a "W" and a "C." And I don't know why it took us so long to realize that if you put those two letters together the right way, it forms a star! However, I'm not sold on the wordmark. I get the whole Declaration of Independence thing (been watching John Adams today), but for a sports team it's not a good idea.

I like that Thrashers jersey as well. With much thanks to Jacob at We're Revolting! for that one.

You guys always give me trouble for my aversion to yellow jerseys, but I've come across a bunch that I actually like — despite their resemblance to what I can only assume is Hillary Clinton's favorite suit.

Well, it's the Boston Bruins of course. Can any other team really do a yellow sweater?

This second set wouldn't work because yellow is still a light color. It wouldn't work as a dark home jersey. However, I am intrigued by the use of the secondary logo with a black background and yellow text.

Up next are the Chicago Blackhawks.

All those stripes do weird things to my brain. And there's not enough contrast in the other one. But I don't know, either could work as a temporary third jersey.

Finally, it's the Buffalo Sabres.

It's a nice logo on a traditional uniform design. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find nay-sayers.

That's good for now. Stay tuned for new polls going up tomorrow both here and at ToHL. Here, we'll have Cam Ward and Josh Harding going head to head and for the WHL Tournament of Logos, it'll be the Calgary Hitmen and the winner of the Americans/Thunderbirds poll which closes tonight.


Just To Freak You Out XXXII

Can you believe this is already the 32nd installment of the Freak Out series? Who knew it would go this long? What's interesting about this week's post is what comes at the end and the fact that it's real and not concocted in the freakish mind of one of the many readers of NHLToL. No, it's quite real and that's what freaks me out the most.

But first, let's talk third jerseys. We know they're making their big comeback next season after having taken a year off. We'll begin in Vancouver.

But wait, there's more!

And I'm sure this was just a case of colors lost in translation.

Doesn't make me feel any better. I'm all right with the purple on the Kings' uniforms because it's partnered with black and silver.

Here's a Lightning jersey even I wouldn't consider buying.

And a Sens sweater absolutely no one would.

But hold on, why one team at a time? Let's go for all 30 all at once.

A good try to be sure, but I'm afraid a few too many of these missed the mark in terms of what one might consider, you know, aesthetically pleasing. (What the hell kind of sentence was that?)

It's worse when you make it look real by painting it onto a player.

And now for the little thing I was teasing at the beginning of this post. I know it's not NHL, but I'm making an exception. The AHL's Lake Erie Monsters, this season, actually wore jerseys that... I'm sorry, there's no other way of putting this. They were tie-dyed. Behold the horror.

Because one photo wasn't enough...

Peace. Love. And hockey.

And now I'm just going to go put forks in my eyes. Until tomorrow, friends.


Third Jersey Ideas

I haven't written a concept art post since the weekend so I think we're due. But it's going to be a short one. One reader came up with 13 different jersey designs he'd like to see implemented for various teams at some point in the future.

I told you it'd be short, but we've got 13 different teams covered. Hope you enjoy it.

We've got a Freak Out Friday post coming tomorrow and hopefully some more concepts for the weekend. I've been keeping pretty busy with the Goalie Mask Tournament. Voter turnout is great so far. Keep 'em coming!


New Rebrand On The Way

Thought I'd let you guys know our friend Matt is hard at work on his next rebrand. His series has impressed a lot of people and shown us in a dramatic way what many teams are missing in terms of good logo and uniform design.

Back to the point, though. His next team is... (drum roll)... the Tampa Bay Lightning. Yes, my team! Expect to see the design posted here some time in the next few weeks. In the meantime, feel free to check out his previous work.


Just To Freak You Out XXXI

I began the last Freak Out post with a similar image, so this is not a repeat. Look closely.

Yes, the duck is wearing himself on his own jersey. This is like some sort of weird fractal, right?

Anyway, we've also got an odd Minnesota Wild concept that scares me.

There's a reason teams choose bright colors. I can't remember what that is at the moment.

Got some stuff for Toronto and Montreal.

Does that Leafs logo look familiar to anyone? I've always thought the Habs should try blue — but on the jersey, not the logo.

And then of course we've got a string of "If They Mated" concepts for some of the clubs that found new homes in the '90s.

The Hartford Hurricanes?

The Quebec Avalanche?

The Winnipeg Coyotes?

No, no and no. Lastly, I've got a little something to celebrate St. Patrick's Day albeit a bit after the fact.

He's got shamrocks on his shoulders! You guys absolutely slay me.


We Need A Bigger Boat...

...to hold all these concept graphics.

You know... because there are so many today. Ha ha. Ha.


Okay I'll stop. Really, though, lots of San Jose Sharks artwork for you this afternoon. It's my attempt at winning you back after two posts in a row to which many of you responded negatively. And I'm sorry about that. I'm a man of the people and I hear what you're saying. You're saying you want something better. I'll do what I can.

I love that shield logo. (So much I'd consider marrying it if that were legal in my state.) But I also like the teal sleeves on the black jersey in general. I'd call it a serious contender for a third jersey design but then again that's not my decision to make.

There are other options.

I like the all black shark but the contrast isn't there. You need contrast to have a good logo. (I might be lying about that.)

The design on the right shows how things could work if we drop the orange. Personally I'm a fan. It adds a little something, but then you're talking to a guy who can't fathom yellow (or red for that matter) being introduced into the Lightning's logo — a topic I assure has been discussed in the past.

But getting back to the contrast thing. You could fix that problem with grey instead.

It's really not a bad idea but spare me the piping on the white jersey. At least let it serve as a border to something but don't just go willy-nilly putting it anywhere and everywhere.

Am I writing too much? Logos! That's right, I have more.

It's hard not to like that one in the circle. I'm less impressed by the triangle. Still, if you wanted to throw out the rules of visual balance altogether, try to endure this.

Though as I joke, I mean nothing bad toward these designs. They're all good. Obviously I didn't post everything I had but I felt these would represent the cream of that particular crop.

I'm interested now to see how you guys react. I think I can only write so many more bad posts before you all come to the realization of the scam I'm running and jet for the nearest exit. (Kidding, of course.) Bantering is difficult when you're all by yourself.

What do you guys think of the San Jose Sharks, anyway? Cup contenders or are they destined to the fate of the Ottawa Senators? (Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the Sens but those guys absolutely implode come April.)

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