Collection 5: Bolt Yourself In

The Tampa Bay Lightning unveiled new logos and uniforms today. It brought a surprisingly divisive reaction — some saying the changes were too drastic and oversimplified, others saying it's exactly the kind of look the NHL needs. So let's see what some Icethetics concept artists think would be ideal.

To start, Jacob merely took the uniforms the Bolts actually unveiled today and reconfigured the placement of some of the logos. I like the bolt on the pants, but I prefer the actual jersey crests, myself. Here are some other ideas...

So what do you think? Is anything here an improvement on what the Bolts actually unveiled today? Or did they get it right already?
Reader Comments (22)
Any of these would be an improvement.
I really like Jacob's one even if I pretty like he real ones.
I like the second set. They look good while still being pretty original and having the 'Lightning personality'.
I like Brian Brideau's 3rd set the best. It has what the new jersey's are lacking. Taking away the black and silver makes the team look too much like the Toronto Maple Leafs.
I like Brian Brideau's top set of the two. Royal, White and Silver is a great combo. Lose the "Tampa Bay" wordmark on the white jersey, and it's a hit. Call me a sucker for opposite-coloured shoulder yokes, but it's a great offset and I really wish the new official jerseys did it; I would have bought one in a heartbeat. Great work, guys!
The first concept is exactly what I thought the new unis should have been when I saw the design earlier. The shoulder version of the bolt is cleaner and more professional looking than the italics one would make the unis more consistent in design. The white one looks just as good with the shoulder patch as the main emblem but could easily be the reverse of the blue and be just as good. Please let someone in Tampa's offices see this and make the change before it's too late.
I agree, any of these would be an improvement. I think i like the 3rd set the best
Number 1 is fantastic
I like Brian's second set with the black cuffs and tail hem. The removal of "Tampa Bay" on the coloured jersey isn't so jarring because the franchise colours are still there and the primary logo is otherwise the same. If the management wanted change, then this is what they should have went for imo. The jerseys are now predominantly white and blue as was the intention but the few decades of history are remembered with a black trim.
Saying that, if I had free choice to pick what the team would wear on ice next season, then it would be Mike Ivall's set. There's no need to get rid of the black. Tampa Bay wear black - sure, black may have been en vogue at the teams inception but after a few decades, it's not black for black's sake, it's their colour. Just a few subtle changes to an already decent and unique colour scheme in the NHL and no drawstring collar. Fire in the victory stripes under the arms and it wins every time for me.
the second one i find looks like the sudbury wolves jerseys?
That first concept is full of win - exactly what I would have done if I were them (though I kinda like the oval more than the circle). The rest are what the Lightning were trying to get away from, so not my cup of tea.
Brian's second one is the winner to me, the first one is too leafish even with the grey/silver, but like everyone else is saying, each one of these is better than what they decided on.
Take the logos from Jacob McInnis design, put them on the jerseys from Brian Brideau & i think that would be the best design......
put some black and silver in the logos and numbers of concept #1 and this is acceptable. The new uniforms are too bland with just blue and white.
the second one is absolutely perfect
McInnis has the right idea. Bold simplicity, balance and a hue that will pop off the ice and not turn black on TV.
jacobs is great
I really miss the presence of black in the uniforms. I love the last concept with a black road sweater. We need to get a MN Wild Re-Design going! No more Christmas tree look! Love your site btw.
My favorites are still Mike Ivall's work from Jan 24th. I think those are some of the best jerseys on here.
Can someone draw me one using JUST a Lightning Bolt w/o the halo/circle??? Please! I don't know how to photoshop these but wish I knew...
I don't have the computer know-how to do the work you guys do...everything looks great, you are all very talented. I'd like to suggest an "old school" type putting the players number in the front, mid -chest with a yellow lightning bolt through the number and Tampa Bay or Lightning arced over the number, almost like Dallas
The First One In The Linkin Park Logo with a lightning bolt replacing the "L