Collection 15: Bring Back the Jets!

With all the talk about the Coyotes heading back to Winnipeg heating up this week — and by that I mean Gary Bettman not ruling out for the first time — I put out the call for everyone to send in their best Jets concepts. To accommodate great response, I'm super-sizing today's post beyond the usual five. Hope you enjoy it!

I do have to say one thing now. If you're a Phoenix hockey fan, please accept my apology for what must appear to be cheering in the streets over the notion of you guys losing your team. No one wants to see a hockey fan say goodbye to his club. But if they must go, there are a whole lot of people in Winnipeg who will be ecstatic. This post is dedicated to them.
Also, keep an eye out this weekend for another set of Jets concepts. We'll be revisting some past designs that have been posted here on Icethetics. Plus, I'm sure there will be some stragglers with new artwork now that this post is up.
Reader Comments (30)
I love the Jacob Mcinnis original logo 3rd, needs to look more retro
I like the Ross Taylor Logo but not the colours(ie the darker blue and no red), winnipegers will get the reference to the Esplanade Riel
but not a lot of them might like it because in person many think it looks quite Phallic
Rumor in Winnipeg is that the team isn't going to be called the Jets buy the perspective ownership group. Few have said the Falcons like the 1920 Olympic gold medal team from Winnipeg, Wolud love to see some Concepts of that too, or any other thoughts
IDK what I'd do if Phoenix moved. It's difficult to say. A little bit depends on how much Winnipeg honors the Coyotes part of its history. If I have to deal with stupid-grin-on-his-face Canadian broadcaster saying "Boy, it's nice to have this franchise back home to a place that cares about hockey.", I'm out. I don't want to constantly hear about what a miserable failure Phoenix was, because I honestly believe it could work here.
If it does just turn into a Arizona hate-fest, I'll probably just ignore hockey or become a Flyers fan like my brother-in-law who introduced me to hockey. I'm willing to embrace Winnipeg. It would be different, though. We would get a lot more coverage, especially by TSN and such. Hopefully the team they inherit is good enough that free agents don't mind signing there even though it "iz liek nort pole."
Starting from the top...
Colin: Nice design, obviously rooted in the Jets' 1979-90 unis, incorporating both the 1990 logo and an element of the 1974 logo (which also serves as a nod to the AIRCOM/RCAF roundel). My main issue with the blue uni is the red on back - that's going to be illegible without a white outline, although they could just be white altogether. The alternates aren't bad either, although the roundel isn't a particularly strong enough logo to be on the front.
Glen: Very nice, clean and simple. The striping calls back the 1979 unis without resorting to the cuff-to-cuff shoulder band, and I like the use of the different logos - including the Goals for Kids program!
Jacob: Pretty nice callbacks - the blue being the 1990 design, the white going back to the WHA Jets for inspiration. The red one would be interesting, although that logo is a bit complex for the front of a jersey.
Ross: Interesting take. Definitely a nice looking new logo. Not crazy about the color scheme, as it just seems a little desaturated (and it's making me think Predators), but it's good to try something different.
Steven: Not bad; I like the take of the 1990 logo breaking away from the red circle to create a stronger image of the brand on the front. I don't know about having the sleeve numbers down on the elbow panels, but that's hardly a dealbreaker.
Jason: Pretty basic design, keeping it simple. Not bad, but not particularly great either. Needs a stronger logo.
Drew: Like Colin, going with a 1979 design with the 1990 logo, but with your own variations. The outlined numbers are a good idea, although the font shown, if that is the intended font, would push the jerseys even closer to their 1976 Rangers inspiration. Not sure what to think of that. The "Jets Heritage" concept was good for a chuckle, but I wouldn't want to see that on the ice.
Interesting to note that of those who included pants in their concepts, nobody attempted to recreate the blue 1979-90 pants with the spreading red stripe, or the 1990-96 red pants with the blue ring just above the cuff.
for my concept I tried using the colours from their other pro team the CFL Blue Bombers. Blue and Gold. Little tired of red and blue teams.
I'm loving Roccot's use of the Avro Arrow in the logo!
On my concepts, the font is purposely the closest I could find (number-wise at least) to the Phoenix Coyotes current font, as a tribute to them (honor the past, right?). The Heritage Jersey is just for fun...I'd see it more as a one-off kind of tribute to the past, though, personally, I do like the way the "JETS" diagonal text logo looks on a jersey (which is why I used it).
Ross's is the best of the bunch...not enough teams rocking the "old gold" these days, and TOO MANY wearing red and blue. the gold color could also work as an alternate jersey? the rest are all kind of "variations on a theme" and the logos just look outdated :/ Jacob's red sweater is pretty stellar, the logo is old enough to be "retro" not "dated"...oh and apparently Colin thinks that Winnepeg is going on tour with The Who in the off-season...
Now i see the Bombers B&G, i'm really warming up to that, wonder what a gold 3rd would look like, or a retro 80's light blue Bombers 3rd?
I am an Oiler fan first and foremost, but ever since my family bought a vacation in Peoria, AZ and we started going to lots of Coyotes games, I couldn't help but make them a very close second favourite team. I for one will be devastated if the Coyotes leave. They were fun to watch and it was always a good time @, but a team back in Winnipeg would be VERY cool to see. If I had it my way PHX would stay in PHX, but if they have to move, The Peg is where they have to go.... or Red Deer lol
Does anyone else find it odd that the Coyotes may be moving back to a place that once failed to support an NHL franchise and THATS why they moved? Just find it weird.
I like the Blue Bombers color scheme pretty nice. The OG look is really nice to.
I don't like the the Coyotes logo on the shoulder of the last one. Unless it is going to me the Winnipeg Coyotes...
I like the Ross Taylor design best. If Phoenix were to move back to Winnipeg, I don't think they would bring the old Jets jerseys back. They might have the old logo on the sleeve though. Ross Taylor's design is solid. It looks awesome. I also really like the Jason Dorn design. This design shows the heritage of the original jets, while showing a new era of jets hockey. Steve Grant also has a great idea. RBK Edge era striping. Looks pretty sick.
The Coyotes' number font is kind of like Impact, except for some differences - the top stroke on the 1 in Impact is different (Drew's example is the style of stroke the Coyotes use), and the horizontals are thicker than in Impact - not exactly as thick as the vertical strokes, but close. But Impact is a good rough approximation for the narrow, bold number font.
I should've realized Ross was going for the Blue Bombers effect. Guess I've been out of touch with the CFL longer than I thought! (They still have the Baltimore Stallions, right? XD)
I've been pretty burned out lately, needing lots of downtime to just relax after work, or else I'd be doing some submissions. My creative juices just haven't been flowing lately...
Some interesting looks for sure. I like Colin's 3rd reds,but theres WAY too much baby blue in the league as it is. Glen's has a very well-done crisp classic look, sometimes simpler is better. Jacob has gone old school with his designs,and I LOVE the 3rd with the crest that has the homage to the original logo. Excellent logo by Ross,but the colors are too Nashville for me. Not a fan of Steven's look as its the exact same template as Team USA jerseys. Like the simplicity of Jason's logo,but the striping reminds me too much of the Islanders scheme. Drew's is a great look,combining the old striping with the newer logo; the third jersey is an absolute classic.
Hey Simmer - Check out the Canadian Dollar exchange rates from the mid-90s when the Jets moved (~60 Cents), and compare it to now (parity). The Canadian Dollar also isn't showing any signs of plummeting back to where it was in the mid-90s.
As for the designs, the Bombers fan in me prefers Ross', but I don't care for the logo. I'd prefer the 1979 logo to make a comeback.
I'd go with Jacob's set in a heartbeat, if only one or both used the 1979 logo. I actually like different logos on the home and road jerseys, à la the Wild and the pre-Edge Senators (Oh, how I miss the pre-Edge Sens jerseys...)
The only problem I have with Jacob's is the shoulder logos. Other than that, great job.
While I would love to see another team in Canada, I hope the Coyotes stay in Phoenix. I'm a Red Wings fan, and I've been to a game in Phoenix and can say that the atmosphere is a lot better than people imagine. These fans really do love hockey and their Coyotes even if it doesn't seem like it. The only team that I would like to see move in the NHL is Atlanta; even if theyre doing good (like the beginning of this season) there is absolutely nobody in the stadium. People in Phoenix seem to care much more about hockey than people in Atlanta, and the Coyotes have more of an identity and history in the NHL. That being said, I really like Steven's concept. Problem is, instead of Doan on the back I'd rather see Byfuglien or Evander Kane or Pavelec.
@Peter Duggan
I totally agree with you that there is too much baby blue in the league, and too many circular logos, I originally did not make up the baby blue version of the alternate, for that reason alone.
HOWEVER, if there is one team who can be justified in wearing baby blue, it would have to be the jets, as a light blue is part of the Royal Canadian airforce colour scheme. I tried to use a blatantly obvious RCAF motif on the alternates, as there is a big airport base in Winnipeg (hence the name "Jets")
Guys, as a diehard Jets fan who was not pleased when they left for the desert, I say keep the concepts coming! I'd love to see them return from Phoenix but at this point, it doesn't matter where they come from, I just want a team back in the 'Peg. We have all the pieces in place for a successful return - solid ownership, a state-of-the-art arena and of course, tons of fans patiently waiting...
A big thumbs up to both Glen and Jacob, your work on the Jets concepts is outstanding. I love how you both have kept the "Goals for Kids" patch. It would be great if the team kept the name "Jets" and hopefully they don't stray too far from the '90's design - and that's why I'm a big fan of both Glen and Jacob's vision for their new design. Also, Jacob, I'm a big fan of the retro third jersey.
Thanks guys.
Although the atmosphere in Phoenix may be a lot better than what people may imagine, the fact of the matter is most of the fans that are attending the games are not Coyotes fans, they're Canadian snowbirds on holiday. If "People in Phoenix care too much about hockey", then we would have a local owner come up and purchase the team. When you only have on average 10,400 people going to the games, you have to scratch your head and wonder why do we bother trying.
Hell, a QMJHL team in Quebec City can get more people going to their games! What does that say?
TAOISEACH-I see what your saying, it just seems very "Un-Bettman". I think he would rather try it in KC or possibly another in Calif. such as Sacremento or maybe even Vegas? Again another Winnipeg team is an awesome idea, but thats just what it is an idea, there's nothing saying there going to Winipeg or even that there leaving the desert just yet... All I'm saying is wait and see, there are maybe not a lot of "better" hockey markets then Winnipeg, but there sure as hell are some bigger ones.
Hi guys... first time poster. I am just curious as to how I make a submission? I've been working on a Jets concept for a while and have it done finally, so I thought I'd share. Do I post it here, or do I e-mail it in, and if so, to whom do I send it?
The one by Steven Grant get's my vote, I love the rendition of the logo. More modern, but not straying away from the original look. Cuthbert's is a close 2nd, I love white shoulder yokes and the vintage feel to it. Not a big fan of the one by Ross Taylor, I hope that if the Jets come back, they bring back the same color scheme and same logo.
Chris has got an email for the site ( You can send it there.
@ coyotes fan in FL
This is Canada's game. Deal with it. If you don't like the idea of people liking that Winnepeg would be back, then go ahaead, stop watching hockey. There is no way Winnipeg should honour the failure that is Phoenix. If the Coyotes couldn't honour the Jets, don't expect the opposite. Phoenix ha dmore than enough time to make the Coyotes work. Blame Arizona and its people who are too stupid to realize the greatness that is hockey. If Americans don't like hockey, it's your loss, not ours.
I agree with skippy; Ross Taylor's version would usher in a new era of 'Yotes./Jets following. It would be the best design, if the base color was different. Possibly changing the blue to a black to go with the gold. If not possible, May's designs are next in line for me.
@ Hockey Nut
You are the exact type of person who gives Winnipeggers a bad name in Arizona. Obviously there are some fans there, just not enough. Don't alienate the actual hockey fans out there to cause them to not want to cheer for Winnipeg when they are back. He makes a reasonable post with his thoughts on the topic and you throw it in his face. We went through a loss, and for the real fans out there, itll feel the same as it did for us 15 years ago.
Hey now, the Coyotes are actually drawing decent crowds, 17500 last night in an 18000 seat facility, better than Atlanta or Nashville. The Coyotes do have tremendous fan support and the people of Glendale love their 'Yotes. Maybe not love like Toronto, Edmonton or Montreal but who is like Toronto and Edmonton???? No one, for a southern American market, PHX is alright
This has nothing to do with the concepts, but if you're going to drag teams like Nashville through the mud, I'm going to say something. Phoenix's attendance is at 68.6% of capacity this season (11,742) according to ESPN, more than only the New York Islanders (64%). Nashville is 19th at 93.7% of capacity. Oh, and in 1 fewer game so far this season, the Predators have had just under 146,000 MORE fans through their turnstiles than Phoenix has, even with a smaller building.
(All numbers are according to ESPN)
Phoenix may be able to support their team, but this thread isn't about that. And if you're going to discuss it, don't try bringing down teams that ARE succeeding in the South (like the Predators). Atlanta, I and the numbers fully agree with you on.
I am loving Ross's logo but the colours are not doing it for me, I understand your take on incorporating the Blue Bomber colors put perhaps try a more 'true blue' like the Bombers used as their retro jerseys this year, and a more pure gold colour,
This is one of the better ones that i personally like, i would love to see in with the true blue color tho, (
And im loving the simplicity and originaly of Steves, very simple but stunning