Collection 20: Get Thrashed

Today feels like an Atlanta Thrashers kind of day. I can't explain it. All I can say is enjoy this diverse group of concepts for Georgia's second NHL franchise.

I'm trying to put together a couple of concept posts full of extinct NHL teams. Start sending in your concepts for the Nordiques, Whalers, etc.
Reader Comments (15)
I really ike the first two, especially the second one, it has a ''black & gold Ottawa alternate'' flavor to it that I really like !
The first two I REALL like, the 4th is alright.
I'm actually a Thrashers fan, who has been spamming the teams facebook and email with jersey designs from myself and this site... Rebranding is way to make money (Oregon Ducks do this), but I just want them to get a new set of sweaters... The home and away are inconsistent, and the 3rd is just horrible. We have a great color scheme, but failed at implementing it.
The first two are top notch, though #2 feels like the mid-2000'sOttawa identity. Even the gaudier ones show creativity and uniqueness that the last two alternates (Blueland and the latest maroon) never posessed. Good thinking and good work all around.
I love the first jersey. The only thing keeping that from being a 5-star jersey is the alternate-color nameplate: ATTENTION NHL: Leave that format for the Flyers. The second set is interesting, but I think that the Thrashers are a double-blue team. They do call their home stadium "Blueland". It's a nice set, but I'd change the dark red to their current bright light blue. Mike Bell's also drew my attention. I really like the idea I think he was going with on his set, he just blew it up way too big. I like the "ATLANTA" down the sides (and on both sides! hooray symmetry!) and I like the logos he chose and even the color patterns. I think if the logos and Alternate's "A" were properly-sized, that would be a very nice set. I would also consider making the navy and light blue pattern on the white jersey matchup with the one on the dark jersey (i.e. Make the tip of the sleeves navy and put that one section of light-blue in there where it is on the dark jersey). I'd love to see Mike re-touch that set just a little (even just fixing the logo/letter sizes) and see what it looks like.
I like the second concept best! The only suggestion I have is to have a blue shoulder yolk on the Red home jersey!
I like the first and last ones. The first one because its similar to the ones they used to wear, which I think is the logo they should use. And the last one is also good, just the logo need to be a bit smaller. Good work guys, keep it up.
Really like the first two concepts! They really do have a nice colour scheme... It's a shame it hasn't been put to better use over the years.
Actually, I didn't notice it before but the shoulder patch on the last concept is quite nice! That would make a pleasing secondary for sure.
Glen's Design is very reminiscent of the old Bingo Sens sweaters from before the RBK EDGE modifications. Or if you are unfamiliar with those, like the SENS Alternates from 2001-2007. The black and gold days. I actually like Glen's design the most and would be interested in seeing them on players.
they shoud go back to thier oringinal jerseys
Anything would be an improvement for this brand-challenged franchise that can't seem to pick a color scheme or logo. Change is dangerous in Atlanta, as they have dumped what could have been classic long-term looks in favor of selling hideous rollerball smocks).
Having said that, the first two concepts would repair some of that damage, the second two sets would continue the madness.
In order:
First; too similar to original, second; colour palette too bland and dark, third; I like it, fourth; too cluttered, fifth; crest is way too big and rib logos are awkward.
Really like the 3rd set of jerseys. Reminds me of the Atlanta Flames that were in Atlanta before the Thrashers. Very simple and it has the cool 'new-retro' look too it.
the thrashers need a new logo ASAP. and the color pallet needs to be limited.
i don't dislike any of the jerseys posted, but i would love to see someone design a new logo. if that means new colors, so be it.
Glen - really nice colors...i like the deeper red and gold, but the striping is too....standard i guess...i feel like more teams need to bring back the uniqueness to their jerseys (ala dallas, colorado - pre reebok) ... good color palate tho.
Ryan - don't listen to anyone, your concept is sweet. just lose the awkward sleeve logos, and you're good to go...i normally don't like the minimal striping, but with a color as striking as that blue, i'm a fan.