Collection 23: Summer Comes Early

Over the next two months, most of the hockey world will forget that the NHL actually extends beyond 16 teams. So before the playoffs kick into gear, I thought I'd share some concepts for a handful of clubs that have already wrapped up their seasons and will start the summer early.

Perhaps next we'll look at some teams that did qualify to play for the Stanley Cup in 2011.
Reader Comments (21)
That Devils submission might be the best I've seen on this site
That Stars concept is great. Infinitely better than what they are wearing right now.
The Devils looks nice, kind of a copy of the Red Wings. But more importantly... why the shadow effect underneath the logo? Are the Devils going to find a way to float the logo on their chests?
The devils concept looks too much like the Coyotes IMO.
There's my Stars throwback version number 2 from last year! You might remember my North Stars throwback Chris posted earlier this season, when he relaunched the Concepts - that one was based on the 1990-91 North Stars. This one is based on the 1991-94 transition era, with the old N patch on one shoulder (and lack of "DALLAS" in the primary logo) representing the Minnesota era, and the Texas patch on the other shoulder representing the Dallas era.
Of course, just as with the earlier one, this was done pretty much on the heels of the 2009-10 season finale, when Mike Modano was still a Star. This is also an earlier version of my reverse-engineered template.
Still, I like the old early-90s Stars design (I have a blank white replica with the 1991-92 anniversary patches), and it's definitely a much better look than their current bland jerseys.
Ron - I think it's odd, too, to have the drop-shadow effect like that. I'm wondering if Mike was just trying to go for an edging effect to make it look like a physical crest instead of a static logo.
Rob, If Mike can create a drop shadow, then he can create a stroke and handle the same function even better.
Yeah, guess I got a little too fancy with the drop shadow.
Those first three concepts are phenomenal! Also, with a few modifications (removing of the waistband) the sens concept would be a great improvement on their current sweaters (although the soon-to-be released alternate may be too good to replace). Although I'm not a fan of the orange, I could see Islanders pursuing a sweater very similar to this proposed one.
NJ/FLA are my favourites of this group though. Even minus the drop shadow that jersey would be sleek yet have the traditional appeal that is very in style right now. And the FLA one is EXACTLY what I hope they adopt and ditch their ugly current set (including their powder blue alternate)
These is some great work in this post!!
i really like the isles concept, it would instatnly be one of my faves in the league if they put that as a third
The Devils jersey is real sharp. Simplifying without losing a thing. And that red seems to be an improvement in hue, especially the red-on-red action between the logo and the ground. Well done.
It really does just pain me deeply to look at this Panthers' concepts and then I look at what they have now. For the love of God can someone pleeeease forward that concept over to someone in the Pathers' head office and tell them "Listen, this is what it should be, no ifs ands or butts" ??
One of the BEST color palletes in the league and they have no idea what to do with it. By the way, I am totally seriously about the request above. Like can someone seriously do that and give Brendan the credit? Like, seriously? haha.
I'm a big Devils fan, and I really like the first set. I don't see it as something the Devils would wear full time, but I do like the retro feel of it. For the Stars concept, I like the throwback style, but I don't really care for both the North Stars and Texas patch (it probably wouldn't have gone over well with the Minnesota fans who just lost their team). I also like the Ottawa concept, but it fells like there is a little too much going on (maybe remove the bottom pattern).
For my Islanders jersey, I wasn't actually that fond of it, but for some reason I think that their 3rd jersey next year could look very similar to this. Its also nice to see that people like my Florida concept.
@Eddie - funny story, actually, about 4 or 5 years ago I did try e-mailing some NHL teams with jersey concepts, and the Panthers were the only ones to respond. I don't remember exactly what they said, but it was along the lines of they wouldn't accept any proposals from fans, because they already hired professionals to create the team brand.
@Brendan. Well obviously their professionals are doing a great job huh?......hahaha. I actually sketched out two concepts at work the other day that I really liked. Unfortunately I work at an accounting office so my only resource is MS Paint so they look quite rough. But the reason I bring it up is because if these don't take you too long, youre more than welcome to clean up my concepts and send it over to Chris to see what everyone else thinks too. Let me know if youre interested and I'll send them over to you.
The first was a ducks concept based off of their current alternate. I realized that the black is really just killing the whole potential for the jersey so I messed around with the idea of the current Ducks gold (which is really a tan), a darker tan/brown version of it, white, and a lighter green around the shade of their old jersey. The pattern all remains the same, it was really just a matter of some color swapping and I made a white version to go with it. Honestly, I'll admit I am quite proud of the finished product and I do think it would make a ducks fan very proud.
The second was an Islander concept where I worked an orange jersey into their current striping template. Figured, if it ain't broke don't fix it. Very simple and very clean and I really love it. If they pulled something out like that next year I'd be thrilled for my Islanders.
Anyway, let me know if youre interested and where I can send it to if you want to take a peek and kill some time =)
can't say i like any of those
That Devils jersey is clean and eye-catching! On second glance it looks a little like the Coyotes, but I still love the bright red and I think it works in the Devils favor (their color scheme).
The Panthers is interesting, but something on it is just a bit off, but I still prefer it over their current.
Sure Eddie, send it to brendantanderson@hotmail.com and I'll see what I can do.
FLA concept is awesome!!! On the dark switch the withie and yellow on the sleevs and it looks like an RBK version of their old red sweaters. I hope the panthers go in this direction. I f they do thought their alternate will have to change.
***** white
Devils concept is so simple it's amazing, love it. Panther I like a lot also, would much prefer the leaping panther though, not a fan of just the head. Need to bring the red back without a doubt tho
I like the devils concept, but i would say bring some of the brighter red into the white one in some way
Also the panthers is excellent