Collection 24: The Blue & Gold

As I get to work on building the next jersey gallery, I thought it might be time to share some concept art. Perhaps theme of this post will clue you in on the next team being represented in the galleries.

I know last time I said we'd do some concepts focusing on playoff teams. That's still coming. In the meantime, send along whatever you've got and it'll surely find its way onto this page soon enough.
Reader Comments (16)
no offense to the artist, but isnt the last Blues concept just their pre-Reebok Edge uniforms?
The Buffalo one might work as a third. Maybe. But I currently like their current third. I really like the last Blues one. Brings back a classic feel to it. The first Blues one would be excellent as a third.
Love the Blues alternate in white. Most Alternates look good in white though. You should try to make a concept with something like that.
The first concept is a beauty i like the numbers on the pants that looks so much better then what team shave been trying with the numbers so good job on that , the whole 2 tone blue with gold looks good but i think Florida should scrap there whole look and rebuilt without 2 tone blue and maybe just Dark Blue and Gold with Red Accents , Liking the Buffalo 3rd as well the logo just needs to be a tiny bit bigger .
The first St. Louis jersey looks great. I've been saying it for a while now, but the current Blues' arch alts are the second best jerseys in the entire league. Even as a Hawks fine, I'd be more than happy to see St. Louis move more towards that direction with their jerseys as their primaries over what they have now.
And while I'm a fan of the idea of the Preds bringing back yellow in a big way, as it's an underutilized color in the NHL.... that just looks off for some reason.
The Blues should make their current 3rd and that white version the primaries, and completely design a new alternate! Not a fan of the pants numbers tho... KISS, Keep it Simple Stupid. Not that your stupid lol...
I have to say. We don't see many Blues concepts on here do we? Probably because they have a pretty good uniform set...
From a Panthers fan to all concept creators: RED ONLY PLEASE.
That set might look nice with the Penguins logo on the front should Pittsburgh opt to go the double-blue route, but leave my Cats with RED.
He-he, Boyes in the wrong blue-and-gold.
I created that Blues concept a few weeks before Boyes was traded and yes I took the pre RBK Edge jersey designs and Edged them. They'rer not exactly the same as the pre Edge Blues unis, I changed the number colouring on both jerseys and the colouring of the sleeve and tail stripes on only the white jersey. This Blues concept is just a representation of what my oppinion of what the ideal Blues uniforms should look like, as I am not a big fan of their currnet home and road jerseys, IMO their best unis were the ones before the RBK redesigns, and this concept here illustrates how perfect the unis could have been with the few minor tweaks. Feel free to agree or disagree.
I can't explain why... but I love the preds concept. At first glance, it's awful... but it has both a retro and team sweden feel to it :)
I'd probably buy it.
I really like the last blues concept. To me, this is what they should wear. Great work!
They wore the last Blues concept before the Reebok Edge era.
The white alternate looks fantastic. One of the best logos in the league, what a great jersey!
I love the final St. Louis Blues jersey set!
Blues submissions are all great.
Its just as difficult to make a good looking road sweater, so I applaud the efforts.
WOW the blues jersey is really imaginative, seriously?