Collection 22: The Resurrection

Over the weekend, we saw what some Icethetics concept artists think the Quebec Nordiques should/would look like if they existed today. Now, we're expanding beyond that and resurrected some other past teams.

We recently saw a couple of posts worth of Jets concepts, but here's another great look.

Do you recognize Ohio's first NHL franchise? The Cleveland Barons only existed for a few years, but they always come up when we talk about the teams of the past.

They're the Devils now, but what if the Scouts never left Kansas City?

All right, this team was never a member of the NHL, but a league that preceded it. Any guesses? Ten points to the first person that gets it right.

We'll wrap up this two-part series with the man that started it all. Dallas sent in the first of the Nordiques concepts I posted over the weekend. This team is the Quebec Aces. Seems like someone really wants pro hockey back in Quebec City.
Reader Comments (18)
Renfrew Creamery Kings
that is a really obscure team to pick. im not going to day who it is since i had to cheat...if anyone gets this then they seriously know logos.
Robb, you cheated to didnt you?
Bizarre, I came across the Renfrew Creamery Kings logo today while browsing (, so I recognized it immediately.
What's a "Creamery King" anyways?
I figured it had to be Cyclone Taylor, but all that came immediately to mind was the Vancouver Millionaires. Had to look up to remember Renfrew. Good one, Robb.... if you didn't cheat, of course.
Quebec aces. They were a minor league affiliate team in the sixties.
The Canadiens acutally bought the entire Quebec senior league just to get the rights to Jean Beliveau who was a member of the Aces.
To any one interested in the NHA and the Renfrew Millionaires (AKA Creamery Kings), I'd like to take the opportunity to recommend Frank Cosentino's book The Renfrew Millionaires
As for the question of 'What is a 'Creamery King,'' it adheres to my favourite team naming convention -> (Town Name) (Chief Export) Kings. Victoria Salmon Kings, Cobalt Silver Kings (I'll send in a picture of my jersey some time next week), Pembroke Lumber Kings... Renfrew is a dairy town (or at least it was in the early part of the twentieth century, I'm not really sure what their economy is based on now.)
im going to say kenora thistles
No. It is the Renfrew Creamery Kings/Millionaires.
Love that Jets look. I'm against putting another team in Winnipeg for a variety of reasons, but the jersey set there is very sweet.
the Kansas City one is perfect, its simple and sweet, great colors, simple yet creative logo similar to the old whalers, simple striping, and the old logo works great on the shoulders, the whole thing looks fast too.
...this is probably the best winnepeg jets concept we've seen so far. Good colors, sweet logo. Retro, but forward. I dig it. Possibly the best concept on this site.
Rideau Rebels. No google required.
Just googled and read all previous posts... :(
The Winnipeg set is excellent. I really really dig the alternate. One of the better concepts in awhile.
i have the Renfrew Creamery Kings original logo hanging up on my basement wall i have all 32 teams logos original and new all used in games and also a lot of classic teams logos
It's the Renfrew Millionaires
They were the Creamery Kings but never wore those jerseys while they still had that name