
0032: Inspired by Jiggy

Look familiar? Prolific concept artist Brian Brideau took inspiration from Jean-Sebastien Giguere when designing this Avalanche jersey. It was the Colorado netminder's mask that provided the basic idea. Goalie coach Francois Allaire's son was the man behind the mask design, according to Denver Post writer Adrian Dater.

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Reader Comments (9)

The background design on this is a huge no-no for NHL jerseys. Think the Kings burger king jersey.

Mar 21 · 10:59 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEric

If you make the background blue just the solid blue, it's awesome. With the "sunbeam" effect, it is terrible.

Mar 21 · 11:18 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJames

I like this. A great concept. Send it to Colorado!

Mar 21 · 12:03 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterCord

just make the background solid and it's great

Mar 21 · 1:05 PM PDT | Unregistered Commentertheguy123

I agree with what's been said the sun beam effect doesn't work, though the concept is excellent. I like how it all joins as one, and would make an awsome third jersey and I'll be honest probably the only jersey apart from NYR that works with a written word mark on it.

Mar 21 · 2:12 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterLeia

Agree with the previous two posts - what was this dude thinking with the sunbeams and color fading? I personally love the blue/red contrast the Avs have going on. The stripe is pretty unique and it works well. Also, I am a huge fan of the font.

Mar 21 · 3:05 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterRainer

Im a huge fan of the mask, but this jersey... not so much

Mar 21 · 4:48 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJoe

This sunbeam effect can be done. Although not very popular, you can look at the current All-Star jerseys as an example of a similar effect that works.

Mar 21 · 10:01 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterChase

As a huge Avalanche fan - I don't like this at all. The inspiration for it is cool, the lettering across the front reminds me of the old all burgundy 3rd. Im personally not a fan of the current blue 3rd, this I think is even worse. The diagonal red stripe is just off-putting, the lettering style with the little triangles is unpleasant to look at, the red shoulder stripe looks odd, and the gradient effect is unnecessary.

I know the author was trying to follow Giguere's mask, but this not a good looking jersey design.

Mar 21 · 10:06 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterA

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