
0107: Using an Unused Logo

If this logo looks familiar, you've probably seen it before. It was registered with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office back in 2001. In 2002, the Capitals swapped their primary and secondary logos as opposed to creating an entirely new identity. Still, the logo's been floating around out there over the years and Justin Cox has put it to use in this concept. I think it would make a great third!

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Reader Comments (3)

I don't like the flag in the logo; why an Austrian flag? Why not an American flag? Or is it part of the crest? It just doesn't make sense. But as far as the jersey, I don't like the idea of the name cutting off the red striping because it'll look really small, to nonexistent with a long last name, and will look very dominant with a short last name. Also, why is the striping white, red, on top and then red, white, everywhere else? I feel like with some slight changes (and a different logo) this could be a very good 3rd jersey.

Jun 4 · 12:17 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterLouie

The flag is based on the flag of the city of Washington DC:,_D.C.

Jun 5 · 9:26 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterNicky Santoro

I am a Capitals fan and absolutely love this concept, I don’t know if the caps would ever do it using a blue third jersey because with as much emphasis they put on "Rock the Red” but if they ever did do an alternate home jersey I would love to see them use this jersey.

Jun 6 · 10:18 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterCurtis L

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