0346: Switching to Arizona

Next season, if the Coyotes are still in Glendale, an agreement with the city will require them to change their name to the Arizona Coyotes. If that happens, we know the shoulder patch will need changing, but maybe the team could take the opportunity to revise their somewhat dull uniforms. Today, Bastian Schmülling takes a stab at a slight redesign.
Designed by
Bastian Schmülling

Reader Comments (20)
I like how this gives them a more distinct identity, it really works. Also, you may not have intended this, but the crescent shapes at the top are reminiscent of their old moon logo, that's pretty neat.
I'm sure I am in the minority, but I love the Coyotes current sweaters. I love the simplicity for some reason; same goes for the Lightning.
I would agree that their uniforms-except for the black with the leaping coyote- are very dull. I think it's their color palette that makes it so dull. Great concept though, the AZ state logo looks great that way.
stripes are nice, secondary logo is great, but those reebok horns just kill it for me. delete those and you have something nice. keep them in and it is just another by-product of reebok's desire to make every team look the same. (reebok is not the only company guilty of that, so it is understandable.)
It's much better than what they currently wear, but I still wish they would go back to their original uniforms. Those were very unique and creative, something the NHL needs more of in it's uniforms.
the coyotes set is terrific, they're the only team using just a classic northwestern stripe as their main design element. with the brick red it creates something both original and classic. nobody is complaining that the red wings or blackhawks jerseys are dull
I must have the same taste in unis as you Joe. I love the current Coyotes ones and would hate to see them changed. And same goes with the new Lightning jerseys. Simplicity is always good in my books.
The Coyotes jerseys were so plain, they added the red shoulders to their white jersey. These don't dazzle me like some of the other Coyotes concepts, but then again. I saw a remake using the mid-90's striping with the new color scheme that blew me away. Still though, nice touch with the updated AZ patch.
All the current Coyotes' jerseys need is striping around the waist, hopefully matching the stripes on the arms. Don't mess around with something good.
I love the current Coyotes set as well. That's one of the few teams whose jersey I've bought for my collection outside of my home team Wild's.
I would, however, do away with their 3rd and bring back a version of their original set with the Peyote Coyote.
This is a pretty concept, but they look too much like nashville jerseys to me
Very sharp. I like the use of the sand color for striping
Definitely not a fan of the St. Louis template at all. The sleeve and waist stripes aren't too bad, though.
Personally, I've always thought of the 2003 redesign as being a bit of an homage to old-time hockey, as the striping design and brick red color reminds me of the mid-1930s Montreal Maroons sweaters. The biggest disservice of the Edge redesign, in my opinion, was the removal of the waist stripes.
Regarding the still-pending sale of the team, Jamison's comment about "wheels in motion" just makes me wonder why it's taken so dang long to get that financing secured. There might be claims that the announcement of the deal may be imminent, but until it actually happens, I'm going to remain highly skeptical. If it actually does happen, and Jamison gets the team, I would hope that the team would restore those waist stripes, at the very least. (The NHL probably didn't want to spend money on any modifications to the current Edge design, not knowing the final fate of the franchise.)
I happen to think that their current uniforms are some of the sharpest looking in the league. I very simplistic, yet modern logo paired with classic elements from hockey's past (solid stripes, shoulder yolks, and tie-up collars). Plus, their colour palette is simple enough to look classy, but unique enough to be unique from the high number of other red jerseys.
I consider their current uniforms to be among the best looking in the NHL right now, they have a simple, elegant and classic feel about them. Dull is the last thing I'd consider them to be, disagree completely with that sentiment.
About the concept: it looks good but not as good as their current ones.
I reallllyyyy like the white one but not a fan of the beige one. Awesome job:):):)
Too many thin lines within the stripes. Color balance between white/brick could be a bit better too.
Don't like this one bit, mostly because of the lack of creativity. Look, its a St. Louis Blues / Nashville template in Phoenix colors... boring!
I love the current 'Yotes unis... I think if they ever wanted to change, I'd love for them to bring back some of the Native American pattern that adorned their original jersey years ago. Otherwise, keep the colors and keep the design simple. For teams like Tampa and Phoenix, it works.
I like the addition of the waist stripe (the current ones look rather incomplete without one), and the "AZ" logo looks sharp. However, the collar horns are totally extraneous. They look bad on Nashville's new jerseys and they look just as bad here, thought I do like that you same-colored the piping to camouflage it. Additionally, the two colored striping design would look better if the two thin stripes bracketed the thick one, rather than both being on top. Not a bad design overall, but the cynic in me says they'll be moving to Seattle or Quebec soon, rendering the name change meaningless.