0642: Coyotes De-Edged

Like many, Steven Grant has never been a big fan of the Reebok Edge jersey designs. So he's been slowly "de-Edging" the NHL. In today's entry, he tackles the Phoenix Coyotes with a sharp mix of old and new.

Like many, Steven Grant has never been a big fan of the Reebok Edge jersey designs. So he's been slowly "de-Edging" the NHL. In today's entry, he tackles the Phoenix Coyotes with a sharp mix of old and new.
The Phoenix Coyotes become the Arizona Coyotes next year and with that brings an opportunity for an identity refresh. At the very least they could adopt a new third jersey. This one from Ryan Haslett borrows an unused logo from the club's 2008 third jersey prototype process.
In this week of featuring some of Icethetics' most prolific concept designers, we come to an artists who's been submitting work to the site for as long as I can remember. And he's always thinking outside the box. First up, he's got a Flyers concept inspired by the first third jersey of their in-state rival, the Penguins.
After the Coyotes unveiled their third jersey in 2008, they posted some of the unused logo designs that were considered. Brian borrows one of those logos for his Phoenix concept.
Finally, it's not the first time we've seen the Penguins in blue, and it almost surely won't be the last. But with the '90s logo? That's a bit out of place. But it makes for a very cool (pun!) sweater design.
Supposedly if the Coyotes stay put next season, the city of Glendale wants them to be renamed the Arizona Coyotes. Brandon Manzione put together this simplified look for the team should that actually happen.
The Waddell brothers' Winter Classic series is nearly complete. After 26 teams, we're down to the final four. Today, I've opted to share their fauxback creations for the Buffalo Sabres and Phoenix Coyotes.
That leaves only the Boston Bruins and Philadelphia Flyers — the two teams that met up for the real outdoor NHL game in 2010. Check back next week to see the big finale of the Waddells' fun Winter Classic series.
If the Phoenix Coyotes spend another season in the desert, Glendale wants the team to change its name — to the Arizona Coyotes. So Ryan Yuck figures, why not go a step further and drape them in the state flag? Forget an homage on the shoulder patch, go all out Arizona!
By the way, Ryan asked me to point out that his surname is pronounced "YOOK." So before you start in with your "very clever" yuck puns... don't. It's a Freak Out Friday. Live with it.
Ryan read your feedback made some revisions to his Coyotes concept.
Next season, if the Coyotes are still in Glendale, an agreement with the city will require them to change their name to the Arizona Coyotes. If that happens, we know the shoulder patch will need changing, but maybe the team could take the opportunity to revise their somewhat dull uniforms. Today, Bastian Schmülling takes a stab at a slight redesign.