
0347: Vancouver Flashback

Tex Fischer put together this Canucks throwback for the Reebok Edge era. Any interest in seeing it become a third or fourth jersey for Vancouver someday?

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Reader Comments (13)

I wonder how it will look in the Canucks' current colors

Jan 30 · 9:30 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterMike Warren

I am a Canucks fan, but I have always hated these jerseys. Strange logo and awful colour scheme.

Nice work putting it into the Reebok Edge era though. But I personally would not like to see it. As a third jersey it wouldn't be terrible though.

Jan 30 · 9:35 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterNathan

Despite this being the logo of my childhood, I must say now as an adult that it is ugly, busy and totally unmemorable. There is nothing wrong with this concept, the artist just had nothing to work with. I think the Canucks made the right move going back to the unique blue and green west coast colours. Now if only they keep them for more than 10 years!

Jan 30 · 11:18 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterTravis

The NHL should have "Throwback Thursdays" and teams could wear their old style uniforms on those days. I personally love this Vancouver jersey. I think it's much better than those whales the wear now. I do like the original rink/stick jerseys better though. I would buy this if the sold them.

Jan 30 · 11:58 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterKrendelev

Holy god this is one good looking jersey.

Jan 30 · 1:08 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterAdam P.

Admittedly, the logo is kinda weak, but I always loved that colour scheme. It was just never done right by Vancouver. Would love to see this jersey with the Johnny Canuck logo....any designers willing to tackle it?

Jan 30 · 1:31 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterRedneck

i'm a horrible person cause i've always really like the skate logo. this design seems almost a little too much like the original though and i don't care for the "v" shaped stripes on the pants. but i do love seeing the old look played with.

Jan 30 · 3:36 PM PST | Unregistered Commenterbickleton wigglesworth III

KRENDELEV: they do sell them, just not in Reebok edge

Jan 30 · 4:47 PM PST | Unregistered Commenterstefon

This is awesome and much, much better than their current stuff.

Jan 30 · 4:57 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterR

looks better than when the lost the cup in '94. I think the numbers make a big difference... I like the throwback thursday idea! Does any other team use their corporate logo on their jersey? I hate the whale/love the stick in the rink... nice job Bas, I would like to see it in a select game or two each year

Jan 30 · 7:17 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterNick Fotiu

Bickleton, you're not the only one. I love that logo too- but it is dated. It is, shall we say, of an era. It's a great and fun example of that style, and a nice piece of nostalga, but it would look a little silly if that was still their primary uniform. But they do really need to drag this out as a retro every now and then.

Feb 1 · 3:08 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterZeus

I would totally love to see this as a 3rd b/c I loved this look during the 90's. I'm not a fan of the current one's but I do like the blue and white stick in rink logo with the V patterns on the sleeves. But as for the whale logo I personally think it has to go, not every1 agrees that's just my opinion.

Feb 3 · 10:08 AM PST | Unregistered CommenterJAB

Canucks fan and I grew up with this. They wore these uniforms at my first game. I loathe this uniform. I never want to see the Canucks wear these colours or uniform for any reason, EVER. Not even a for a practice skate. This is a prime example of what happens when you mix nepotism and mismanagement. The team owners decided that their inexperienced son should help manage the club shortly before he graduated from technical school. One of his first orders of business was to contract a psychologist and a design team from San Francisco to design new uniforms. At a cost of a million dollars the Canucks debuted the flying V uniforms in 1978. The team subsequently went on to set a record for consecutive losing seasons in pro sports. The players were literally embarrassed to play in the new uniforms and they became the laughing stock of the league. In addition to the awful uniforms the owners son was also instrumental in shipping out Cam Neely...

It should go without saying that the the Canucks should never have deviated from blue and green.

Feb 7 · 1:26 AM PST | Unregistered Commenterark

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