0397: The Ducks Do Orange

Orange. It's usually reserved just for the Flyers. But on Tuesday we saw how it could work for the Oilers. Today, Bastian Schmülling shows us what a sharp orange sweater could look like for the Anaheim Ducks. As orange Ducks jerseys go, I'm a big fan of this one. Am I alone there?
Designed by
Bastian Schmülling

Reader Comments (12)
I think there should be a wee but of gold incorporated in the bottom half of the jersey there, but other than that you've got yourself a winner.
Looks like a GREAT template for the Hamilton Tigers :)
I'd like it more if the sleeve stripes were on the jersey, not the stripes on the side.
Bastian, you keep making great concepts! Don't stop, my friend!
As usual, fantastic work Bastian!
Wow, love this one! I may be biased because I love colourful jerseys but this one just nails it! Only thing I would change is the bottom stripping which would look better if it was similar to the main current jersey IMO.
Great idea. I'm not to keen on the bottom of the jersey striping, but thats not that big of a deal, really. Otherwise it looks great.
I'd like to see this with green in place of the black...
I like Ryan's idea, adding a little gold under the black stripe would be great.
Great work, Bastian.
These colors just don't work together in these proportions. That bright orange is much better suited to a trim/highlight color, not as a base when you combine it with the gold. It's just way too harsh. A muted orange might work, but it's still really unbalanced.
It's a nice thought and I'm for anything that gets black jerseys out of the NHL, but this one doesn't work.
This is pretty much the San Francisco Bulls jersey...
Orange for a team in Orange County! Why haven't they thought of this yet!? I've been a huge Ducks fan since the incarnation of the team and a jersey like this NEEDS to happen for the Ducks! Great job overall!