0468: Triple Dallas Freak Out

I know we're mostly hockey fans here, but does anyone recognize where Ted Noakes got his inspiration for this jersey design? It's a Freak Out Friday home run!
Antonio Calisto has a fascinating set of Stars uniforms to share — but since it has no actual connection to the team itself, I felt compelled to give it a Freak Out Friday placement. I mean, what's with the throwback that doesn't throw back to anything? The great thing about the Stars is they do in fact have a decent uniform history to draw on.
Finally, we wrap up our second solid week of Dallas Stars concepts with this from Johnny Woods. He even has this smattering of logos he's come up with. Certainly trying to be creative and I love to see that.
Designed by
Antonio Calisto&
Johnny Woods&
Ted Noakes

Reader Comments (13)
That first shirt is so familiar, I've a feeling for some reason it's a NASL team shirt, but whom I don't know. Well I'm looking through all the shirts now, but can't fathom out if I'm right or not now.
I love this look!
I actually really like the Astro's inspired jersey! Looks good!
The first is a take off of the Houston Astros back in the late 70's and early 80s. I love this look!!!
For those of you wondering, the first one is from the Houston Astros, a baseball team.
I would buy the Star's Astros jersey. I loved when the Astro's wore those.
I love the astro's concept, it would be awesome for a minor league promotion or something like that
That Astros shirt is fantastic, in an April Fool's kind of way.
I'm digging the Astros look. Growing up, my brother loved the Astros and I loved the Rangers. I'm going home after work and watch Bad News Bears in Breaking Training.
I like the Astros one a lot. Maybe if the NHL had a night where all the teams wore jerseys modeled after baseball teams? On the Astros one, the STARS wordmark takes up the top. Where would the captain's letters go? Just wondering. I don't like any of the others except for the Dark Blue Alternate on the second one.
It certainly looks funny, but Houston and Dallas are two separate cities in Texas. That would be like The Lightning making a jersey based off the Florida Marlins, or Miami Heat. Doesn't make any logical sense.
Loving the Astros jersey.
No, just no, on the Astros jersey. Dallas hates Houston. Terrible. I'm freaking out, man.