0530: Taylor's Take Three

Ross Taylor is rather proud of Colorado Rockalanche concept — a combination of the Avs and the Rockies. As well he should be, as it's among the highest rated concepts of all time on this site. But he's revisiting it again — only this time he's adapting it specifically for the Colorado Avalanche. Future Winter Classic or Stadium Series game?
Designed by
Ross Taylor

Reader Comments (26)
These jerseys are sick, I would buy it!
This is absolutely fantastic, and I especially love the numbers. What I'd give to see this in the NHL
This is my favorite out of the three tries!
These.... are beautiful. The Road whites, would be brilliant to wear back at home again. Love the striping and the hint of old Rockies yellow. It gives that punch that the avs jersey has been missing since inception.
Ross you have a real winner here. I loved the Rockalanche but these are almost perfect.
The only thing i would be interested in would be a couple very thin yellow stripes amongst the sleeves. would be interested if that same pop on the logo would work for the sleeves. But regardless of that, you have really made a fantastic concept.
One of the best designers here.
Get this guy in touch with the Avs now! These are perfect! Classic look and doesn't look like a copy of anyone else. And (best of all), it gets rid of the black. LOVE the burgandy pants and the blue helmet! Honestly, no criticism here at all!
I like the logos, but I think the dark jersey should be burgundy, the pants should be black and that the striping needs simplifying. It's a little too big and noisy as-is. I'd also be curious to see what the current name/number/letter font would look like in black on these.
Looks like the LA Angels' font for the wordmark. Nice concept, but idk how I feel about the stripes on an Avs jersey.
Everything except the main logo is incredible, but the A just looks so lopsided and weird. I'd love to see this with the current Avs logo. Also really love the number font that borrows from Giguere's mask.
What really does it for me is the striping, especially at the bottom of the jersey. Love it.
I have not seen a jersey concept as nice as this one ever! As a Colorado fan, I know how much we need a new jersey/logo and this is the first time I have seen one I hope someone emails to the club and would be taken into consideration.
Great work Ross, I think this is a flawless jersey set!
Not bad
These are nice. I'd almost like to see how they'd look with the real Avs logo and number font, but overall a classy set, and i think probably the best Avalanche concept I've seen with blue as the primary color.
I would buy both of these in a heartbeat. Maybe buy them both twice. Just because I can. Epic design.
6 Stars.
So awesome, what a fantastic series of concepts. I'd buy one in a heartbeat!
Very nice and better than their current uniforms. A touch of the past and the present. I also like the numbering.
WOW! Seconded on the 6 stars! That shade of blue is fantastic and goes amazing with that logo. Add a maroon alternate and I may actually pass out.
Good to see a more simplified Avalanche set. I personally like the absence of black and gray in the overall look minus what is used in the logo. Which is fine, Chicago has colors in their logo that are not used throughout the jersey, pants, socks, etc.
This may be my all time favorite concept! I wish they would pay Ross and make it their actual unis.
Ross Taylor has a great style. He nails this one too!
Phenomenal! I would love to see what this concept looks like with the Rockies logo on here or the Avs' logo. Besides that, even if this concept doesn't have the cool "Mountain Stripes" the Avs were known for, this is so good and these are perfect without them. These are incredible. As someone else mentioned, Colorado should scrap their current Avalanche of a jersey set and use these immediately. There's not a single thing I dislike about these. This is the best concept I have ever seen on here. Spectacular job, absolutely fabulous.
Only thing I would do would be hit the numbers with a burgandy outline, other than that, these are solid.
I want to have sex with this concept. Perfect.
Awesome! My favorite jerseys for the Avs by far.