0579: Keep Dreaming, Buffalo

Ever need something pleasant to look at? Even though you know it's just fantasy? Brendan Anderson would have the Buffalo Sabres wear a jersey like this and I think he could rally a lot of people behind that idea. Too bad it'll never happen.
Designed by
Brendan Anderson

Reader Comments (12)
Too much white.
Solid design though I've never been a huge fan of the so called "classic logo" Striping and colours are spot on
Love the script "B" from the gorgeous 40th Anniversary 3rds (R.I.P.)
This is all right, but not better than their regular unis.
Much better than the third, but that really is setting the bar very low.
the yellow looks a little too orange... or is that just me?
i agree with the too much white comment. id change the collar, numbers, and letters to yellow. its sweet though.
Not a bad concept... It's missing a few things though.
First of all, I'd suggest making the the back orange, and making the sleeves a slightly different shade of blue. Not enough to make it two-tone blue, just a shade or two off. Then, I'd think about replacing the white on the left sleeve with shiny silver, and maybe making one of the bottom white stripes a matte grey. Part of the collar should be brown.
Instead of the primary logo, I suggest writing SLUGS on the front of it diagonally, slanting up from left to right of course. Beneath the wordmark, I think there needs to be a number too. Not the number of the particular player who would be wearing it, just a 61. I also think that 'BUFFALO' needs to be written above the logo in small, red letters. Then it would truly fit the character of the Sabres organisation.
All told, I'd only give this a 5/5.
personally i'd make yellow the main colour & swap the blue and white around (blue collar / blue end to the sleeves / blue on white numbers). really like the B and the striping tho.....
I like this a lot even though there's more white than usual I think it really works. After all 3rds were meant to be a bit different, but Buffalo has a unique way of certainly being "different" and not listening to its fans lol
Taoiseach totally beat me to it!
Definitely a nice design, but the Sabres are the "Blue and Gold" not "Blue and White". Change some white to gold and you've got a classic!
TBH, I really wouldn't like this as an alternate. The Reebok "tail" or "diaper" cut just ruins any and all jersey's that attempt to use white on the bottom of the jersey when waist piping is involved.