0567: Team Canada in Sochi

Skipping our Winter Classic Saturday series today for something more timely. On Thursday night, the world got a sneak peek of what may be Team Canada's 2014 Olympic jersey. With that in mind, a few concept artists have toyed with the idea. Francis Matte has a revised version of the red sweater along with a white one to match.
Adam Ravenhill decided to stick with the Nike design for the red jersey and also add a white version. Any chance the maple leaf in the middle of that one could be white? Or is that sacrilege in the Great White North?
And now for something completely different. Devin Durocher submitted this one last week, prior to Thursday's leak. He writes: "It's very simple with a few accents. There is a gold 8 in the V of the collar for the 8 golds Canada has won at the Olympics. Also inside the collar at the back of the neck it says TRUE NORTH."
Thoughts on these designs? Are you worried about the official unveiling of Canada's sweaters?

Reader Comments (6)
The first one is perfect. This is what a good Nike version of Team Canada's Jerseys would look like. The second one is very good as well (then again, I am among the select few that actually like's Canada's new duds), albeit I would make the leaf in the center white with a red border, like an inverse of the red jersey. I would like to see a return of the shoulder yoke on the official jersey.
The third one is bad. The huge, empty crest gives it an unfocused look, which is increased by the 8 in the collar, which clashes with the red. Those kinds of details need to be more subtle, like Russia's crowns. Finally, the font is bad and the whole thing just looks like a rejected Red Wings winter classic concept.
One of our most famous jerseys has a white maple leaf on it (1981 Canada Cup)
I hope they look like the first set and the white from the second set
Francis has absolutely nailed that red one. Please dear god let someone from Nike and/or Hockey Canada see that and make some lay minute changes!
I heard a roumor that the red jersey that Towes was wearing was an alternate