0691: The Flames by Hand

My favorite old school concept artist takes a stab at the Calgary Flames today. Morgo Uxbridge drew up this simplified uniform set. The third jersey was an interesting choice. Think it could work?
Designed by
Morgo Uxbridge

Reader Comments (7)
The home and away jerseys are excellent. Nice and bright, and really look nice. I've never been sold on the horse head logo (the best take I have heard on it is that it must have been designed by someone from Edmonton) but it doesn't look too bad on a red jersey.
I just don't understand how the Flames can look so bad when they could look so, so good, even the horse looks good in this one
Side note: I love seeing the hand drawn concepts! As somebody who has no talent for hand art, it's always really impressive to me
Its rare that I like a complete set of concept jerseys, but all three of these are AMAZING! Growing up, Calgary was one of my favorite teams because i liked the horse head logo so much glad to see it get re-used
I like your home jersey. Even as someone who loves the retro Flames jersey, that is one of the best red Flames jerseys I have ever seen that has black as an accent color on it. Well done.
White crest, and still using black, winner in my heart! This deserves a higher rating, kudos.
huge fan of the horse head, really represents Calgary. Would love to see that 3rd get a remodelling.
I really like the modified horse logo; this one has the ears folding down a bit. The original had the ears straight up, and a weird horsey smile. No smile here. The logo looks more menacing as a result. Great work! And it looks much better on a red sweater!
You can even keep that sweater, pop the flaming C on the chest, and there's your jersey. Have the new horse head on the other red jersey with the white cuffs, and call it an alternate. Flames really missed the opportunity with the dumb-looking city text alternate.