0692: Post-Edge Bolts

Steven Grant has been on a mission to rescue the NHL from the grips of the infamous Reebok Edge jerseys. And he's been rather successful, as evidenced by this Tampa Bay Lightning set. He thinks the Bolts should revert back to their original Edge-era logos, however. As far as I'm concerned, give me victory stripes and a white shoulder yoke on the home jersey, and we've got a winner.
Designed by
Steven Grant

Reader Comments (1)
There are parts of this design that I like and parts I don't like. I like the idea of the shoulder yokes, but once the blue extensions go down the sleeve you lose me. I like the number font (the added detail on the 4 makes it stand out a little). But I don't like the angled stripes on the torso - I'd rather see the stripes go all the way across the body. It makes it seem more "Edge"-y when he is trying to take it away from that.