Entries in carolina hurricanes (17)


0165: Real Hurricane Flags

Occasionally on this site, the Carolina Hurricanes' secondary logo will be criticized for not being true to its namesake. As any Gulf or Atlantic coast resident can tell you, the red flag with the black square in the middle pops up on beaches when a tropical storm threatens. However, when a hurricane is on the move, a second flag is added beneath the first one. In other words, technically, the secondary logo is representing a tropical storm rather than a hurricane. Chris Ruffolo's concept logo may be among the best I've seen at incorporating both flags. It could use a little more polish (and perhaps a rightward lean) but I really love the idea of making the two flags form an H. Very well done!


0150: Hurricanes Re-Bourne

Andrew Bourne's concept series continues today with a revised look for the Carolina Hurricanes.

What's wrong with the current red, black, white & silver scheme, you ask? Pretty much everything. The red does make sense in the fact that the flag warning system for indicating horrible weather conditions is red, but I'm not liking it. When I think hurricane, I think water and wind. Who first thinks of a red flag? Possibly people much smarter than I.

One year, I stumbled upon the hurricane toilet (in reference to the current Hurricanes logo). I actually kind of liked The Hurricane logo until I saw the toilet photo. Once you see something like that, you can't un-see it. So, I knew I had to do something drastic for The 305cHL Hurricanes. The primary logo is a mix of the Canes word mark and the swirling hurricane logo. I like the combination because you get a real sense of movement and you discourage the toilet...

Note: Sorry for the late post today. I didn't set my auto-publish date correctly. Better late than never though, right? Can't break the 150-day streak now!


0130: The Minimalist Hurricanes

I've always thought the Carolina Hurricanes could use a more simplified jersey design. Ryan Haslett shows us here what that might look like. Clean and minimalist. Works for me. (By the way, can you believe this is the first Hurricanes concept since I revamped the Concepts page?)

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