0433: Fiery Freak Out
Friday · Apr 26 · 2013 | 9:00 AM PDT 7 Comments
We'll end the week where it began: Calgary. I was thinking before that alternate logo featured Monday could be construed a bit to look like the Calgary Tower was on fire. This old concept by Lewis Dupuis leaves positively no doubt. I laugh every time I see it so I decided it was finally time to get it on the site. Yikes!
Designed by Lewis Dupuis
Reader Comments (7)
Definitely a freak out. Where have all Calgary's colours gone!? Every other team has red in their palette! These colours should stick to Boston and be used by nobody else, especially a team called the Flames. I appreciate the time and effort put in by the designer, but this should have stayed hidden forever.
like the idea behind the logo and the idea itself, but, man, you got to have red in that sweater.
It looks like the jersey is flipping me off.
Unless we're changing the team name to the Calgary Terrorists, I think we better leave that logo on the drawing board.
I didn't think anything could top mine! :P
I actually like the logo concept. Could definitely be tweaked but I think its a fresh logo, better than the fire-horse logo they had. But I would agree, you can't have a team called the "Flames" without any red in your colour-scheme.
It looks like a middle finger.