Entries in detroit red wings (20)


0223: Symmetrical Freak Out

It almost doesn't need words. Geil S. seems to be imagining what the Red Wings logo might look like if it sat next to a mirror. And being posted on a Freak Out Friday isn't to say this is a bad logo. Just very, very different.


0196: Meeting Up at The Big House

Believe it or not, this Winter Classic Weekend post was scheduled long before yesterday's unveiling of the official new Winter Classic logo. But because of that, it couldn't be coming at a better time. Matt McElroy has assembled a beautiful set of uniforms here as well as a great logo. Now that we've seen the real logo, I can't wait to see the real uniforms as well!


0162: Revisiting the Winter Classic

It occurs to me we haven't had a Winter Classic Weekend in quite a while. I'm bringing that back today. It also occurs to me that we still haven't seen an actual 2013 Winter Classic logo yet! Justin Cox is happy to provide both for us today. He's created a beautiful set of uniforms along with an impressive logo. Overall, one of the better concepts I've seen in quite some time!


0070: Vintage Red Wings

Today I'm kicking off a new weeklong series featuring one of my favorite concept artists. Micah Loyed's Vintage Week is sure not to disappoint. His work is very simple and uncluttered. Since this is a Winter Classic Weekend, we're starting with the Detroit Red Wings. Maple Leafs tomorrow.


0064: Another Classic Option for 2013

For the second half of this Winter Classic Weekend, we're once again looking to the 2013 game between Detroit and Toronto. Matthew St. Jean offers his take which includes one script jersey and one with a logo and loads of stripes. Personally, I'm a fan of both. We've seen a lot of great concepts that could truly work well next January. Looking forward to seeing the real thing.


0036: Detroit and Toronto in 2013

We've seen so many throwback designs for the Maple Leafs and Red Wings as part of the Winter Classic Weekends series. Despite that, they all seem to be different and unique. You'd think at some point they'd have to all start running together. Torin Kowalenko adds a great pair of looks to the pile with his set. I could definitely see something like it on open-air ice next January.


0029: HockeyTown to CougarTown

In today's Winter Classic concept, Matt McElroy is looking back at an early incarnation of Detroit's NHL club — the Detroit Cougars. This Red Wings uniform is designed to call back to elements of the Cougars' 1928 sweater. Personally, I think this is one of the best we've seen for Detroit, and it probably has the most potential. It's red with hints of vintage white and it definitely looks like it's about a hundred years old — the way these sweaters are supposed to look. Well done, Matt!