
Strauss NHL Rebrand VI

It's been about six weeks since the last edition of Elliott Strauss' NHL rebranding series. And just when you almost forgot about it, it's time to finish it up!

If this is new to you, catch up here. In a nutshell, Elliott set out with some specific goals in mind when he began this series back in November: lose the uglier elements of the Reebok Edge jerseys, create some new modern designs and make sure every team has a distinct identity, and keep in line with tradition when appropriate.

Having said that, let's kick off the second half of the Strauss NHL Rebrand series, as promised, with the Colorado Avalanche. Elliott's own descriptions appear in bold text.

Elliott Strauss

I dropped a color, added a color, and darkened a color here, as the scheme moves from maroon/medium blue/black/silver to maroon/navy/light blue/silver. I simplified the primary logo and changed some colors, and while it's not too different when at first glance, compare it to the current logo.

On the uniforms, I tried for a modern yet somewhat chaotic look with movement that the nickname implies. The alternate is a darker, less contrasting uniform with a new take on the familiar diagonal wordmark.

One of the best things about these uniforms is the number style. And the striping isn't bad either. He's given the Avs an incredible look without really changing much.

Elliott Strauss

The logo is tweaked to modernize the classic Blue Note. I rearranged the colors a bit to make the yellow pop a lot more. The navy logo on blue and blue logo on white does not change, but the numbers now match this theme.

The yellow slashes on the home/away and pants mimic the Gateway Arch, a motif which is featured on the shoulders and alternate crest. I brought back the music staff with accents of yellow on the sleeves.

Another great set with a couple of minor flaws. I think the Blue Note under the Arch looks fantastic. Unfortunately, within the logo itself, that sharp point toward the bottom just sticks out in the worst way. Clean things up in there and you have a concept waiting for NHL approval.

Elliott Strauss

I put my own spin on the current primary, simplifying and making it more symmetrical. One thing that is bothersome about their identity is the lack of a double flag flying on the secondary to indicate a hurricane as opposed to tropical storm. Here we see that on the CH logo.

These unis ended up being some of my least favorite in the series and I had another more classic jersey design but I scrapped it at the last second for this. The font is custom and the alternate is pretty simple.

Gut reaction: Elliott knocked this one out of the park. He says he's unsure of the uniforms, but I'm impressed. They take some of the best elements from the Hurricanes' present look and improve upon the rest. And the new logos are just amazing.

Based on this, I'd say the second half of Elliott's NHL rebrand series looks quite promising. Next edition in about a week. In the meantime, we should have some concepts coming based on some of what's in my JerseyWatch post from the blog.

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Reader Comments (27)

i like the Avs and Blues I'm all for the simplified logos and the jersey designs are solid (the music staff on the Blues arms scares me a bit but not bad.

the Hurricanes new logo doesn't thrill me. it looks like a throwing star or some kind of energy ball from a cartoon/comic. the rest of the jerseys are great and the secondary logo works great as a secondary although I'm not sure of it on the third.

Mar 27 · 11:20 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJeff

Love the Blues logo under the arch

Mar 28 · 12:02 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterColton

I think the Blues and Avs unis and logos are awesome! Nice job Elliot! Hey and by the way Chris, how many teams does have left??????

Mar 28 · 12:17 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterEthan

i like the avs concept, even though it is the ducks uniform adapted to the avalanche. the blues and hurricanes rebrands almost look like a junior league or something. especially the canes... looks like some sort of asian throwing star/weapon

Mar 28 · 12:46 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMATTHEW DUKE

I'm just glad someone else noticed that the 'Canes have been the "Tropical Storm"s for the last decade and upped the number of flags there. I don't mind the main logo, but it gives me an idea for another one... I like them on the shoulders of the black jersey. The red numbers on the red jersey might be a bit tough to read on the ice, but I really like the flags on the sleeve!

Maybe it's just the computer, but the Avs 3rd is a little dark. Love the font! Not sure how much RBK would like the striping around the front, but too bad for them.

St. Louis jerseys are a little busy, in a different way than 90's jerseys busy, but the idea of having the music staff in there is good. Just can't get my head around the jersey stripes themselves, though. The 3rd, while it does have a cool logo, just doesn't grab me the way the current one does.

Mar 28 · 6:26 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDallas Hicks

I think all of these are nice, but I don't know, the Blues primary looks a little cramped.

Mar 28 · 8:25 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterheadsigh


I love the Avs jersey. They seriously need an update, as they've grown pretty stale. The Blues arch is subtle, yet effective. Absolutely stellar work again, Elliott.

Mar 28 · 10:56 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterjoelski

I don't like any of these. All the logos are oversimplified to a degree that they look like they are geared towards 5 year olds. The uniforms are not better than any of the Reebok ones that they replace. They're just as busy looking and the striping elements are just as random and pointless.

Mar 28 · 2:32 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterjohnny

The other thing that I hate about these - and 99% of all fan concepts that you see - is that the uniforms do not fit with the teams brand. It would be nice to see concepts that look like they could actually be worn along side the uniforms that they have now or fit with the evolution of the team's uniforms. Most teams kind of have a template that they fit into. Even clubs like the Vancouver Canucks with all the uniforms they've had, have a set of rules that they seem to follow. The Canucks for instance had never used anything but block letters before the RBK design. They had also never had a different colour shoulder yoke in their NHL history. Their white road sweater with the blue sleeve element actually goes back long into to their WHL days as well. These design elements define a team.

Mar 28 · 2:39 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterjohnny

Wow, I don't mean to be an a**, but I think most of us would agree that these are an eyesore. The Avalanche logos aren't bad, but the jersey design is just way too complicated and ugly to be honest. As for the rest of the designs...... :\

Mar 28 · 3:11 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenteralx83

Honestly, I think the avs jerseys here are worse than their current ones. The colors clash too much and the jersey design doesn't work. I wish the avs would go back to the ones from before reebok edge

Mar 28 · 5:32 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenteralex

okay... i like the blues design and i LOVE the avs! however, i do not care for the hurricanes rebrand. the design is solid, but it's the logos! the CH storm flag logo is weak and tell me that primary doesn't look like a skateboarding company logo. i do give him credit tho, this isn't easy to do.

Mar 28 · 6:47 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterTroy

leaves a little to be desired.

Avs jerseys dont pop without the white. everything looks muted and hidden.
Blues jerseys are too busy. whats up with the sleeves?
Canes- decent. miss the puck element on the logo. the new one is quite... circular. also, too much outlining on the numbers, especially on the third jersey.

Mar 28 · 7:38 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenterme

I do not like the Blues rebrand however I love the Hurricanes rebrand...I think it looks phenominal and I would totally wear the third sweater!

Mar 28 · 7:43 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenteresbrechtel

i like the blues jerseys, and the avs aren't bad. but the third is alittle dark. and they are not oversimplified. the canes one is, but not the blues. i think out of these three its the best looking. nice work

Mar 29 · 9:15 AM PDT | Unregistered Commenterrob

I don't want to be that guy but I always find myself taking the opposite opinion of the guy who runs this blog. That Avs look is absolutely not incredible nor is the Hurricanes' knocked out of the park and the logos aren't amazing.

Mar 29 · 9:17 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterGeoff

the sleeve striping on the blues jerseys reminds me of the old blues jerseys that gretzky wouldve worn

Mar 29 · 9:38 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBrandon

I have to agree with Geoff.. Not a fan of the logos in the Carolina one, I'm not a huge fan of the canes current logo but don't think by anymeans that this is an upgrade. I think at first if you didn't know it would look like a throwing star...
The Avs for me is quite poor as well. I actually don't mind the striping, but the colors make it look so bland. They remind me alot of the Canucks from the late nineties. But alot more drab...
With the blues, i just think the blue note outline in the dark blue is too over powering. I don't mind the updated look though. I love the striping on the sleeves of the home and away. I wasn't a fan of the red added to those jerseys in the Blues Gretzky days but i didn't mind the thin stripes.

I would say of this update Elliot that your strongest jersey in this set is the Blues road one. It looks really nice! Props on that. I know the stuff i said before is more debbie downer.. but i do love that its inspiring and more ideas that i can work with my own designs. Look forward to seeing hte others

Mar 29 · 3:52 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterBroda

@ Johnny... Couldn't agree more, no offense to the creator, but leave tradition as it is. This would completely ruin the sport of hockey and no one would have respect for it.

The one jerseys i do agree with are the Atlanta Thrashers, but thats about it. The Oilers and Hawks and Red Wings designs I was not a fan of.

Mar 29 · 5:41 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenteroilcountry

I like the Blues rebrand. Good idea keeping the logo they already have, it represents the team well. I understand why the sleves are the way they are, but I dont like it on the home jersey. It works on the white jersey though. The 3rd jersey is really well done and I love the note with the arch over it. The blues should use it as their 3rd. The Canes current unis are better IMO. The current Avs Jerseys are bad, not sure if these are much better. I actually like the concept by Brian Birdeau better. its just alot simpler.

Mar 29 · 6:02 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterSharksfan

I think the Carolina jerseys are awesome. The hurricane logo could use some work but the stripe pattern and colors of the uniforms are spot on.

Mar 29 · 7:33 PM PDT | Unregistered Commenteroconn96

Carolina jersey are pretty cool, but they would not meet NHL rules because theres no sleeves number, unless ive missed em, witch I think are mandatory on any NHL jersey, as is the nameplate. Otherwise, pretty cool design

Mar 29 · 8:22 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterDenning97

I'm surprised the consensus seems to be against the Avs rebrand. I think Colorado's home/road jerseys in this rebrand are fantastic (even if they steal from the Ducks layout a bit) but much better than what they wear now. The 3rd is unnecessarily dark and needs some work, but overall I think the other 2 are good. I don't care for the other 2 rebrands in this case though, other than the St. Louis Blue note under the arch logo. That's pretty solid.

Mar 30 · 11:11 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterSS

So far overall, these have been great! All 18 Teams have their own special identity. The simplifications to certain logos (hawks, thrashers, Avs) really made the jerseys that much better. Also, the way each team has their own striping and what not is also pretty cool. Few things I would like to point out though...

Some 3rd jerseys are a little too simple. No black in the Stars 3rd, and the little gold in the Oilers 3rd. Get those accent colors in the striping. Get some white in the Flyers 3rd too, maybe just around the numbers.

Some sleeve striping needs to need simplified too. Pick one for the Caps H/A out of the stars and outline, doesn't need both. Also, the Blues striping is way too much, and it would be hard to see those numbers over it.

I'm impressed that you were able to change some logos like the Leafs and Hawks for the better, andkept ones like the Wings and Flyers (which was the right way to go). I think the Ducks and Flames could use an overhaul, and the new Pens as well.

Makes me think what will you do for teams like the Canadiens, Devils, Sharks, and Bruins...

As a Devils fan, don't be afraid to throw a third jersey in there (preferably black). They have cut the ribbon this year withe the x-mas jerseys. The logo is a classic but might be best used as a crest.

Mar 31 · 9:52 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Completely ruined the Bluenote... that is all.

Apr 23 · 10:28 AM PDT | Unregistered CommenterJosh

You CANNOT change the bluenote ever. That looks like my 7 year old nephew made it up. Awful. Just awful.

Jun 14 · 1:39 PM PDT | Unregistered CommenterCo Slaw

You completely butchered the Blues logo and jersey. I was impressed at what you did with all of the other uniforms but when I saw what you did to the Blues I almost threw up! What seriously possessed you to do such a thing to an incredible franchise? How you even thought that this abomination looked good is beyond belief. Shame on you.

Jan 17 · 11:15 PM PST | Unregistered CommenterBluenote for life

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