Concept Collection 48

Today's set of new concept art is just a random collection. Enjoy!

Lots of creative ideas in this group. Keep them coming!
Today's set of new concept art is just a random collection. Enjoy!
Lots of creative ideas in this group. Keep them coming!
As I was considering themes for today's concept post, I started wondering which teams have gotten the least love on this page. So I took a look back, and as it turns out, there are five teams that have yet to be represented with concept art in 2011. We'll rectify that today.
Now these teams won't have to feel left out. Coming in a future concept post, some phenomenal redesigns for another often overlooked group — the minor leagues.
Last week, fans rallied to bring the NHL back to Quebec City. So let's look at some Quebec Nordiques concept art this afternoon.
Email in your concept art and it may well find its way onto this very page.