Concept Collection 34

Today is my birthday so I'm celebrating with this gift to you: New concept art! Since I didn't feel like coming up with a theme, here are five randomly selected concepts which have been submitted to Icethetics. Enjoy!

Obviously, the next set, which should be up this week, will feature the Winnipeg concepts that have come in.
Reader Comments (24)
The Blue Jackets one bothers me. If flags are displayed on a uniform, they are to be displayed as if the wind is blowing from front to back.
the bruins jersey, in my opinion, needs the spoked B on the shoulders to look complete.
Actually, the Ohio state flag really looks like that. Look it up.
That Bruins jersey is beautiful.
They're all great actually!! I'm a huge fan of the old looking white on the Canes jerseys. I agree with Geoff's point though, the flag should be reversed.
Love the Blue Jackets concept, hate the Canucks one. I have no opinion on the other 3.
Can't wait to see the Winnipeg concepts. And hopefully we'll see some for a hypothetical future Seattle team.
That Canucks jersey looks like a cross between the Kings' early-2000 purple alternates and something from the late-90s "third jersey" program.
I like the Senators design.
Avi's Concept is the best concept I've seen on this site. But I'm just a biased Ohioan. Great job!
The Canucks jersey looks cool, but don't like the Kings colors.
@James I think what Geoff means is that the if that flag is going to be on the right should, it should be backwards so that it looks like the flag is advancing, not retreating.
That's exactly what the sens should wear!
Am I the only one who sees in the Sens "O" Jersey the eye from Lord of the Rings?
That Senators concept is absolutely gorgeous! No doubt in my mind that is what they should be wearing. I really enjoy that take of the "O" design as well... A very classy and neat mix between the old Sens and the modern team. Well done!
Happy Late Birthday Chris! Your present is a smiley face :)
But back on topic, I really like the Columbus one.
@James, Tyler, Troy, (Avi)
On the subject of the flag, it shouldn't be reversed, the shoulder patches should just be switched (flag on the left, state on the right), that way the flag is advancing, and needn't be reversed. Problem solved.
Not "Canes"! No nicknames on jerseys!!! Take out the vintage white!
I like the logo for the Senators
Agreed !! Carolina should not have vintage white !! The Senators look great!!!
As a loyal Boston bruins fan, I have to say that I've always been reluctant about the boys in Beantown wearing yellow. That being said, I actually liked A.J.'s concept... I just would want to add a little more black after the stripes. And by the way, I L-O-V-E Avi's concept for the Blue Jackets, they've needed a new set of uniforms since... well, since they started! I would really like to see what an away concept would look like!
No 'canes' jersey. Can we stop with the nicknames already? We've now seen it twice. One jersey has no redeeming qualities. The other is at least a pretty color. No, no, no! I as a fan, call them the canes. But the reason hockey and baseball jerseys are so much better than football and basketball ones is because they are traditionally refined and classy. Putting Sens, Bolts, or D-Backs on a jersey does not convey class. Those jerseys, as a result, look stupid. Compare The bolts jersey to the Habs home sweater. Or the Blackhawks. Or the rangers whites.
There's a reason it doesn't work. Stop trying to force it.
As for the others, I like that Boston jersey. Pretty. The Blue jackets one is a neat concept, and if their current ones weren't so great I would endorse it. But right now they have perhaps the best modern set in the league. The sens set is lovely, and would probably catapult them into contention for the best classic set. Not entirely original as a concept, but really, why screw with success? I'm mistified as to why they ever went away from that concept.
Canucks? No. They do not need to look like an AHL farm for the kings.
Vancoovers dosnt look right, the logo all packed together bothers me. I like the Boston concept, beats their current third now, but as Steven said it needs the "B". The Canes jersey is one of the only jeryeys that dosnt need the real white, but I think that it would be better as one of those sweater jersys. The Colombus jersy is too boaring. It remonds me of the Avalanche's jersey. Im an avs fan all the way but they could have done alot better. Finally the Sens jersey. I love it. The logo is perfect, especially if they want to reflect on the past in their up coming herritage season, their roads are steller. It reminds me of their jersys before the Reebok aera. Overall a great Concept collection.
The Ottawa set is spot on. Those are what they should be wearing, indeed.
I don't like the Hurricane symbols along the bottom of the "Canes jerseys, all of them. Maybe the'd look better on the arms around the bicep area, that would be something different
The revamped Vancouver logo is brilliant: the 'C' and the 'V' combined. I'd like to see this in the Nucks current colors. Great work!
The Sens black and whites are perfect. That logo is great, I've liked it since it first came out but it has been underutilized by the organization. The 3rd is nice, but I like that they're going the barberpole route. I like the combination of the "O" with the laurel wreath.