Concept Collection 50

I wanted the 50th collection to be something special. Instead, it's just something to fill the gap so we don't go a full month without concept art. I've been keeping busy lately, blah blah, you already know. I have a new plan to keep this Concepts page fresh which I will be rolling out just as soon as... I have the time. For now, look at these...

If I go another several weeks without an update, just be patient with me. Doing my best.
Reader Comments (22)
The Blue Jackets concept is pretty sweet, I'd even buy one. Vancouver... not so much.
Mixed emotions about the Jets jersey. It's nice but it just doesn't fit well.
The Jets concept is the best of the lot, and honestly better than what they have, but the others are just meh.
Jeez, i think this is the first time I voted "Awful" for every single jersey!! I appreciate the creative license taken, but just no.
i am a faithful reader but this blog needs to be updated more... consider bringing on more sponsors and run with it, make it your career
Dustin, I could not agree with your more. I'd love to be making multiple updates every day across multiple pages of this site. And you're nuts if you think I've never considered making it a full-time thing. But it's not as easy as you make it sound. Who are these "sponsors" I should bring on? Because nobody's been knocking down my door. I've always said I'd love nothing more than to make Icethetics my actual job. But sadly, I can't pay bills with page views.
Steady as she goes Chris, all it takes is the right person to find this site and it might mean a nice little pay day for you and the chance to expand even bigger. I hardly even watch hockey anymore, or even professional sports to a large extent, but I check for an update here nearly once a day.
As for the concepts, a good effort all around but really, nothing to write home about. I've always found that as a general rule of thumb, for every five fan-made jersey concepts, be they hockey, football, soccer or even car racing liveries and paint schemes, at least two of them will be better than what their real world counterparts are wearing, but to be perfectly honest, not so here. Interested to see what's in the next concepts post.
I'm a fan of "Tex's Rangers" jersey. Wouldn't mind seeing it at the Winter Classic.
The Jets one is - I think- pretty solid. And I really like the Flyers one, but for the fact that he striping pattern is a clear bite from the Penguins' apple.
That would be the sickest job ever! I would apply :P
Love the take on the CBJ 3rd. I'm done with Antique White.
My main problem with the Rangers' and Flyers' jerseys are the template. I've never liked that template, and it doesn't do justice to ANY design, even good ones :/ Having said that, I can see how that Rangers concept COULD look good, however.
I like the Vancouver one somehwat.
when are there going to be more concept????????????????
Really like that Blue Jackets concept - a vast improvement over their current third, although I doubt they'd get an exemption from the mandatory NOB rule the way the Canucks (and for one game, the Kings) got with their vintage unis last year.
I have always absolutely HATED those football styled jerseys with the number on the front.
I like the Ohio State ouitline ala Cleveland Barons... love the Ranger concept, they had something similar for one season... numbers on the front are Old Time Hockey!
Chris throw us a bone, you're killing me! Need to see some new stuff!
Damn it Chris! You should quit your job and just focus on our every desire! What do you need a job for anyway? It's not like you have bills to pay, a family, possibly pet(s) to feed, friends to hang out with, or any of the other many frivolous things every single person on earth has to deal with. Chris, you are seriously dropping the ball by making sure that you take care of your job, yourself, AND your incredibly entertaining and well run website. So selfish...
These guys are really getting their money's worth. Thanks for all the work you put into this site but really hoping for some new concepts soon.
I'm patient. I'm patient.
2 months and not a single update to this part. I know you have a job and everything but 2 months man? Come on this is one of the more exciting parts to this site and you have completely ignored it and kept us waiting.
I like tex's rangers jersey and Brian's Columbus jersey , but I've seen the Blue Jackets jersey done five times before by other designers