Concept Collection 48

Today's set of new concept art is just a random collection. Enjoy!

Lots of creative ideas in this group. Keep them coming!
Today's set of new concept art is just a random collection. Enjoy!
Lots of creative ideas in this group. Keep them coming!
Today we go without a theme. Just a few random concepts I thought you might appreciate.
This is the final auto-published post of the week. I should be able to get the site back to normal in the next couple of days. Hope you've enjoyed these concept designs during my absence.
All the Winnipeg Jets talk of late is practically begging for a concept post in which we look at other defunct franchises. What have our talented artists envisioned? Let's see.
Above, you'll recognize the illustrious California Gold Seals of old — and below, the Montreal Maroons of even older.
There are no Jets concepts here but we've seen plenty of them recently and I'm certain there will be more to come in the near future. If you've got one, you know where to send it.