Entries in pittsburgh penguins (25)


0405: Pittsburgh Freak Out

Revival Week wraps up on this Freak Out Friday with the old Pittsburgh Hornets of the American Hockey League. They existed from 1961 until the Penguins franchise was awarded to the city in 1967. Derek Heilmann reimagines their jerseys today as an option for the Pens.


0385: Pennsylvania Classic

You know this is coming. The NHL and NBC love the Pennsylvania teams, so it's only a matter of time before they meet up in the Winter Classic. And when they do, Nick Burton has a neat pair of jersey designs for them to wear.


0320: Pittsburgh Flashback

Colin May shares a blue Penguins jersey similar to what was used during the team's inaugural season in 1967. Any appetite to see it come back someday?


0283: Penguins Re-Bourne

The Pittsburgh Penguins are the 17th team in Andrew Bourne's NHL makeover series. This look is a neat fusion of designs from the team's history.


0266: Waddell's Winter Classic, Part 1

I've got a great new series to debut today. It takes Winter Classic Weekends to their next logical step. The Brothers Waddell — Chance and Jake — have designed Winter Classic/retro-style uniforms for all 30 NHL franchises... whether they have the history to support it or not. Some are seriously good, some are just fun.

Now rather than doing one big dump of 30 jerseys (where many would simply get overlooked), I'd like to roll them out over the coming winter two at a time. Today we start with the Penguins and Kings. Again, retro style jerseys with no specific ties to the team's past. Just something unique and interesting.

Remember, Chance and Jake have designs for all 30 teams so we have 28 to go. How will I decide which two to post next? I won't. You will. The first two were picked at random. The next two will be picked by the first commenters on this post. Comment with the two teams you'd like to see next. First come, first served. Check back next Saturday morning to see them!


0188: Oakland Freak Out

It started innocently enough. John J. Woods was designing this new sweater for the Oakland Seals when he suddenly saw new potential in that old logo. And that's where the freak out angle comes in.


0170: What If Nike Made a Pens Jersey?

That's kind of a preposterous question. For one thing, Reebok would never go for it. But moreover, this isn't what would happen if Nike designed the jersey. It's what happened when Matt McElroy designed one on a Nike template. I have to be honest. I love the color combination here and I think this would make for a really cool third jersey. But it sounds like most Pens fans here are tired of blue alternates.