
0071: Vintage Maple Leafs

Vintage Week continues on this Winter Classic Weekend as Micah Loyed provides another great concept, this time for the Toronto Maple Leafs. The instinct for many may be to dislike it since it doesn't feature the classic Maple Leaf shape, but the style is certainly very retro.


0070: Vintage Red Wings

Today I'm kicking off a new weeklong series featuring one of my favorite concept artists. Micah Loyed's Vintage Week is sure not to disappoint. His work is very simple and uncluttered. Since this is a Winter Classic Weekend, we're starting with the Detroit Red Wings. Maple Leafs tomorrow.


0069: Blue Eagles & Golden Sharks

Freak Out Friday brings another couple of brand-blending efforts from Ross Taylor. This time around he's focusing on St. Louis and the San Francisco Bay Area. It's the St. Louis Blue Eagles and the California Golden Sharks... or San Jose Shark Seals. By the way, I just noticed that while both the Seals and Sharks logos feature a hockey stick, the mutant version doesn't. I kind of like that. What do you think of these?


0068: Trying Out for Team Canada

We haven't really featured any national teams on the new Concepts page yet, so let's try one today. Nick Burton shares a new look for Team Canada with us. I'm a fan, but then I'm not Canadian. What do all you Canadians think of it? And if you guys have anymore international concepts to send in, maybe I can get another theme week going.


0067: Third Jersey for the Jets?

A third jersey for the Winnipeg Jets, anyone? Jared Pozzobon swapped the primary and secondary logos on this one and made red a much more prominent uniform color. But it feels like it's missing something.


0066: D.C.'s Stars and Stripes

Many fans have been eager to see the Washington Capitals add a blue third jersey for a few years now. Not sure this is what we had in mind. Brian Brideau, using an old logo filed with the U.S. Trademark Office, put together this set of stars and stripes for us.


0065: Edmonton's Oil Barons

Earlier this month we got a look at what certain minor league teams would look like if they were modeled after their NHL affiliate. Today is kind of the reverse of that. What if the Edmonton Oilers looked a little more like the AHL's Oklahoma City Barons? Tim Pearce provides the answer.