Entries in seattle (14)


0597: Seattle Emeralds II

This Seattle Emeralds concept is in no way related to the one from last Sunday, so it's just a coincidence that Norway's Andrés Godoe has used the same name. Andrés says he came up with this design for a simulation hockey league.

After a couple months worth of Seattle Sundays, I'm retiring this theme for a little while. That doesn't mean you won't still find Seattle NHL concepts on these pages. It just won't be on Sunday.

Starting next weekend, the New York Islanders will be our Sunday feature. You can't believe the number of Islanders concepts I've been getting since the move to Brooklyn was announced and the new third jersey confirmed. They're all interesting in their own way and I want to take the time to feature them properly. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.


0590: Seattle Emeralds

Joseph Loretz brings us a feature for the Seattle Sunday series as he conjures up the Seattle Emeralds. Feels more like a women's hockey team to me, but it's a neat uniform design.


0582: Seattle Ravens

Here's a cool one for Seattle Sunday. Brandon Manzione introduces the Seattle Ravens. The only problem I could foresee is when this team plays the Philadelphia Flyers. Lot of similarity in logo style there, but otherwise a really sharp concept.


0575: Seattle Talons

Yet another Seattle Sunday is upon us. For this one, Tyrone Lancaster imagines a club called the Seattle Talons with some interesting native art-inspired logos. And what do you think of that color scheme? Definitely not something we see in the NHL today. But does it befit the Emerald City?


0568: Seattle Thunderbirds Go Pro

Seattle Sunday is back this week with Matt McElroy's idea for a re-imagined Thunderbirds team. Currently, the T-Birds play in the WHL, but what if they gave up their name to a future NHL club?


0554: The Seattle Sea Otters

Well, I said I was tired of posting Seattle Metropolitans concepts. Mark Morgan was tired of it too. So he imagined a new team named the Seattle Sea Otters. (Try saying it a bunch of times in a row.) I will say this: I love the colors!


0547: Metropolitan Green & Red

Every week I say Seattle's future NHL team can't be named the Metropolitans. And every week I post a Metropolitans concept. We're four posts into Seattle Sundays, and they've all been great, they just have the wrong name at the top. This week, Bart Wentink has a bit of a Christmas theme going with his chosen shades of red and green. But that third... you know whatever we name that team, we will end up wearing that jersey against the Vancouver Millionaires one day.