
0141: Go Team USA!

We get a double dose of national team concepts today — both for Team USA. Justin Cox incorporates some subtle gold into his design. A subtle hint to the wearer, perhaps?

Bryan Dyck's work may lack the polish of other designs we've seen, but there's no mistaking this set is all American.


0140: Bruins Re-Bourne

Andrew Bourne's NHL makeover series continues today with the Boston Bruins. His comments about this design can be found below.

The current color scheme for the Bruins is black, gold and white. It is cool because you can say that you are rooting for the black and gold (which sounds way better than rooting for the brown and gold), but I believe that the Bruins should embrace their past and have one of the more unique color palettes in the NHL. Who else could pull off a brown jersey? No one, that's who.

I actually didn't change too much on these jerseys because I believe that the Bruins organization has gotten it right (as far as overall jersey layout is concerned). The small difference from the NHL layout to the 305cHL layout shows up in the striping and in the shoulder area. As far as the alternate jersey goes, The Bruins need a gold jersey that works. Gold is a rare color in the NHL (at least it was) and they need to embrace their uniqueness.


0139: Thrashers Freak Out

What? This is a Freak Out Friday, right? Yeah, I don't really have any more to say about it.


0138: All-Star Sashes

Just over a month ago, I posted a concept Colin May created for the Columbus Blue Jackets. A few readers thought the idea might make for some nice All-Star jerseys. So Colin took a stab at that and this is what he came up with.


0137: A Day for Americans

We're celebrating America's birthday with an Americans concept from Nick Burton. Enough red, white and blue for you? Enough stars and stripes? If not, check back for a Team USA concept scheduled for Sunday.


0136: Orange Oil

Anyone else think an orange Oilers jersey is long overdue? Justin Nahhas mixes that notion with the Oilers' first-ever third jersey design from the '90s. I miss that one, by the way.


0135: Ducks Re-Bourne

I'm launching a new concept series today from artist Andrew Bourne. He asked if I'd feature his rebranding series, tackling the entire NHL. I told him I'm game so you'll start seeing his work here every few days, starting with the Anaheim Ducks.

Now, what Andrew's doing doesn't exactly fall under the category of "rebranding" in my book. He's changing colors and redesigning jerseys and so forth. Instead, I'm calling his series "Re-Bourne." Hope you get a kick out of it, as I have. Below and in subsequent posts you'll find Andrew's explanation of his work.

Although the orange streak in the current jersey format connects Anaheim geographically (Orange County), I'm not a fan. The orange is a bit too distracting in the Black, Gold and White color palette. It seems to really jump out and take all of your eye's attention. So, I decided to mute the colors a bit and return to a near replication of the Jade & Eggplant. The green is a bit darker than the original, less teal and more 'pond scum' green. The eggplant was tweaked to a more full purple which worked well with the black.

You don't see a lot of asymmetrical jerseys in the NHL, or AHL... or KHL for that matter. Why? Because they usually don't work. I can't say that my idea will work, but I believe that it could work. In the current jersey, Anaheim has a few curved stripes from left to right across the bottom. I liked that idea but I didn't like how it just stops on the left edge of the jersey, leaving a strange black area. The sleeves in the third jersey have a simple striping similar to the bottom, except one side has purple while the other has green. It gives the alternate sweater a sense of asymmetry without actual asymmetry. Make sense? Probably not...